Alex Lucas

Alex Lucas

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Alex Lucas

Hometown: Baltimore, Md.

Year in School: Senior                          

Major: Exercise and Sport Science

Alex is an exercise and sport science major.

Alex's Video

When you come into contact with Alex Lucas, you will immediately take notice of her kind demeanor, soft voice and piercing brown eyes. However, one specific trait will leave a guaranteed lasting impression: her smile.

Alex won “Smile Day” in fifth grade and hasn’t looked back since. Beaming with joy and warmth, her grin earns her instant endearment from many on campus. However, even if Alex decided to never smile again, she would still draw others to herself because of her numerous special qualities.

A student who believes in the concept of leaving a place better than one found it, Alex is a conscientious individual.  Blessed with no shortage of intelligence, she is a member of honor societies and other extra-curricular groups. Able to balance numerous responsibilities, Alex holds down two jobs on campus plus another one out in the Grand Strand community.

The numerous jobs now will hopefully lead her to a major career down the road. Alex wants to become a physician assistant. Calling the human body “fascinating,” Alex touts the fact that the field is growing and that the opportunities to switch specialties are abundant.

Ask Alex if Coastal has put her in a position to achieve her dreams after graduation and she will answer in the affirmative. She will stress the resources available at CCU and credit the University with helping her “grow as a person.” Of course the relationship is reciprocal. Each day Alex has set foot on campus since arriving from Baltimore, she has advanced the University's Feel the Teal initiative with her outstanding attitude, one-of-a-kind smile and willingness to help. Enjoy your senior year, Alex!  

Alex is a senior.
Alex is from Baltimore.

Q&A with Alex

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal through its marine biology program.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal to experience a new environment and feed my passion for adventure.

Favorite professor: Professor Senchak! She shares my passion for traveling and is a great professor!

Favorite class: Anatomy and Physiology

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love how welcoming everyone at Coastal is and how beautiful/well-kept the campus is.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The area is great because there is always something to do. We have the beach, rivers, short drives to surrounding cities and even mountains in the western part of the state.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Honors program, Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Kappa, National Society of Leadership and Success

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at the HTC Center, three years strong! I also am a tutor in the Department of Biology and off-campus I work at Fleet Feet Sports in Myrtle Beach.

Plans after graduation?:  Graduate school to become a physician assistant          

What are your hobbies?: I love to lift and travel. It is hard for me to stay in one place for too long. I have visited four countries in the past two years and recently drove across the country.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I won “Smile Day” in fifth grade and did the talent show once singing Kelly Clarkson…true talent might still be hiding!

Bonus Info:  I believe that being kind and spreading peace is the most important thing to do each day.