Alichia Leavy

Alichia Leavy

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Name: Alichia Leavy                                                                      

Hometown: Charleston, S.C.

Year in School: Senior                                                                    

Major: Early Childhood Education

Alichia is a senior

Alichia's Video

The guidance counselor at the high school Alichia Leavy attended deserves the sincere gratitude of Coastal Carolina University. This particular counselor mentioned to Alichia that CCU would be a good fit for her. Taking the advice, Alichia became a Chanticleer and proved her high school mentor correct while at the same time making Coastal Carolina very happy.

Why so happy, you ask? Consider that Alichia is involved in six different clubs and organizations at Coastal, including serving as the president of the Coastal Carolina African American Association.  Of her extracurricular activities, Alichia is a Teal Trailblazer (campus tour guide), and don’t think she does it just for the scenic walks around campus. Alichia says her favorite part of giving a tour is explaining to prospective students the amazing experiences she has enjoyed since enrolling at Coastal and how they can also thrive. Yes, a student who is deeply involved on campus and is passionate about her experience will make any university happy.

Alichia wants to become a teacher. Lucky for her, the profession is always looking for bright and dependable individuals to educate and influence young minds. If possible, Alichia would like to start her teaching career in the local area. We like that idea as well! Alichia, we are rooting for you and are excited to see the impact you make in the classroom.       


Alichia is from Charleston, S.C.
Alichia is an early childhood education student.

Q&A with Alichia:

How did you hear about Coastal?: My high school guidance counselor told me how it would be a great fit for me.

Why did you come to Coastal?: It had my major and was close to home. I also felt comfortable on my campus tour.

Favorite professor: Prof. Lindsay Pritchard

Favorite class: PALS 178

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The serenity and beauty.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: All the attractions

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: SNAP Mentoring, Leadership Challenge, President of African American Association, Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, Teal Trailblazers, Kappa Delta Pi (Education).

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Office of Admissions as a Teal Trailblazer and Polo Ralph Lauren in North Myrtle Beach

Plans after graduation?:  Staying in the Myrtle Beach area to teach (somewhere)!

What are your hobbies?: Reading, watching Netflix, eating.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I sing and play piano and I also was a member of the color guard in my high school marching band. I can spin rifle and flag.

Bonus Info: If teaching does not work out, I wouldn’t mind becoming an admissions counselor in Coastal’s Office of Admissions or helping out in Multicultural Student Services. I am also an extremely nice person; do not let my “walking to class” face scare you (make sure to watch Alichia’s video for further explanation on this).