Anna Beck

Anna Beck

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Name: Anna Beck

Hometown: Lynchburg, Va.

Year in School: Junior                         

Major: Marine Science

Anna is a junior.

Anna's Video

When looking at colleges, Anna Beck zeroed in on institutions with strong marine science programs. Naturally, Coastal Carolina University showed up at the top when Anna did an internet search for marine science programs on the east coast.  Attracted to the area of study because of the possibilities available, she points out that “like space exploration, there isn’t a lot of knowledge about the ocean which allows for a lot of new discoveries.”

Needless to say, Anna chose Coastal based on its academic merit. However, she will admit that the “sense of family” she felt while on her campus tour also played a role in her choice. Now a junior, the aspects that originally sold Anna on Coastal are as prevalent as ever. She praises the hands-on approach the marine science program embraces as well as the prime geographic location she is fortunate enough to study in.  As for the community vibe she felt during her initial campus visit? It is as strong as ever. In fact, Anna credits the tight-knit campus atmosphere for helping her develop, saying, “Coastal has helped me grow as a leader.”

Anna serves as a building manager for the Lib Jackson Student Union, taking advantage of the opportunity she has to exercise her leadership skills when the professional staff goes home and the responsibility of the facility falls to her. A fan of Netflix, cooking, Pinterest and rock collecting, Anna has a wide range of interests that keep her busy when she is not studying or working. Upon graduating from Coastal, she plans to continue to study marine science and earn advance degrees. We thank Anna for sharing her CCU experience with us and we wish her the best of luck.


Anna is from Lynchburg, Va.
Anna Beck is a marine science student.

Q&A with Anna

How did you hear about Coastal?: I was always interested in sciences and when I started looking for colleges I found that I had an interest in marine science. Coastal showed up on my searches for marine science programs on the east coast.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because of the marine science program, as well as the sense of family that I witnessed when I toured. I also chose Coastal because of the distance it was from my house, I didn’t want to go as far south as Florida or as far north as Maine. South Carolina was far enough from home, but not too far.

Favorite professor: Margaret A. Stoughton, she was my Marine Science 111L professor

Favorite class: World Religions 103, it was a very eye-opening class and I would recommend it to everyone because I believe it allows for insight into religions around the world that we would not typically get from news, Google or general knowledge

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I have really enjoyed witnessing and being a part of the sense of family that Coastal embodies.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I love how close we are to the beach, and I know that is a typical answer, but it is because there are some colleges that are entirely landlocked that offer a marine science degree. At Coastal we have the ability to travel to collect data and take samples. I believe that the hands-on approach for sciences is the best way to learn.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am a building manager at the Lib Jackson Student Union.

Plans after graduation?: I plan on moving back to Virginia to attend graduate school for my master’s degree, hopefully at the Virginia Institute for Marine Science and then go for my Ph.D. in California for coral reef ecology.                

What are your hobbies?: I really enjoy reading non-fiction and fiction books as well as researching marine science topics I don’t have a great understanding about. I am a college student so Netflix is a big part of my life, but I actually use it to watch documentaries and science/nature based TV shows.

Do you have any hidden talents?: Cooking, researching and I have always loved collecting rocks since I was very young.