Deej Inge

Deej Inge

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Deej Inge                                                                

Hometown: Opelousas, La./Wichita, Kan.

Year in School: Sophomore                                                                    

Major: Intelligence and National Security

Minor: Political Science

Deej is from Wichita, Kansas.

Deej's Video

Although some might find Move-In Weekend emotionally draining and a bit stressful, Deej Inge claims it as his favorite moment thus far as a Coastal student. The experience hit home the fact that he was now a Chanticleer and the time of his life was now at hand. Since that weekend in August of 2015, Deej has made his presence on campus known.

A member of a variety of groups including the African American Initiative for Males, the Alpha Kappa Psi Co-Ed Professional Business Fraternity and SGA, Deej didn’t waste time becoming involved. Inspired by the diverse and kind student body, he felt at home as he quickly started to make an impact.

Deej has chosen an important and growing major; intelligence and national security. He has a goal to work for the Department of State as a foreign affairs officer. Besides his career goal, he also has a short term goal as well. Deej says he wants to dedicate this semester to doing the best he can both with his academics and his extracurricular activities. With a student such as him, it is easy to trust that it will happen. 


Deej is a sophomore.
Deej says his goal this year is to do his best in his academics and activities.

Q&A with Deej:

How did you hear about Coastal?: I was a resident of South Carolina and received mail from Coastal since my sophomore year of high school.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I went on a tour of the campus and it was breathtaking so I spontaneously decided this was the school I was going to attend! 16 months later and I feel like I still made the right choice.

Favorite professor: I don’t think I have a favorite professor or I can distinguish one professor as my favorite but I have learned a great deal from all of them.

Favorite class: Public Policy.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The overall diversity of the campus and how kind people are to one another.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: How you can go from being in a major city to being back in a very rural location. That transition is very important for students who haven’t been exposed to one or the other.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: A.Bevy Collegiate Group, African American Initiative for Males, Alpha Kappa Psi Co-Ed Professional Business Fraternity, Inc., CCU Homecoming Committee, CCU Student Government Association.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am a resident advisor in Piedmont and I also work for the Office of Student Life as a student assistant.

Plans after graduation?:  I would like to attend graduate school at Georgetown University as well as begin working for the Department of State as a foreign affairs officer.

What are your hobbies?: Hanging out with friends, participating in events on campus and napping.

Bonus Info: I really love Coastal and all the opportunities I have been granted through this college. I look forward to seeing this campus grow and progress over the next two years of my life here! Thank you for this outstanding opportunity.