Deontre Wynn

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Deontre’ Wynn                                                                    

Hometown: Charleston, S.C.

Year in School: Senior                                                                      

Major: Graphic Design

Deontre' Wynn


Deontre'’s Video

Perhaps the best way to start a campaign such as #CCUfamily is to feature someone that everyone seems to know. If you have spent any time on campus the past few years, you know we are doing just that.

Deontre' Wynn is a campus favorite, one of those people who knows just about everyone and who is well-liked and looked up to. A native of Charleston, S.C., he selected Coastal because Conway seemed to be the perfect distance from his hometown. As he begins his senior year, Deontre' is already very much ingrained into the CCU fabric. Besides his popularity on campus for just being himself, he contributes to our community each day. He is part of the  Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity and is involved with the Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentoring Program. Deontre' also pours his talents into a campus job as he serves as the graphic designer for the Office of Training, Development and Service Excellence.

The academic year starts today. Some of us might face challenges and stressful moments along the way. If some extra motivation or a warm smile is ever needed, seek out Deontre; he will turn your day in the right direction.  


Deontre' is a graphics designer


Q&A with Deontre'

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal while browsing colleges in high school.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because it was away from my hometown of Charleston and because of tuition.

Favorite professor:   Paul Olsen                

Favorite class:  Theatre for the Non-Major

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The diversity and the multiple opportunities to get involved.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I would have to say the proximity to the beach and the nightlife options.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?:  Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity Inc., Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentoring Program.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Yes. I work in the Office of Training, Development and Service Excellence as a graphic designer. Also, I work for a marketing firm called Affinity Management Group.

Plans after graduation?: I want to take a couple months to just work and gain some real world experience in my field and then pursue a graduate degree.                                           

What are your hobbies?: Working out and hanging with loved ones.

Do you have any hidden talents?: Not that I know of as of now.

Anything else you want to tell us about you?:  I am very goal-oriented and driven. I am always looking at the big picture and how to get there. I like to plan ahead and become prepared for nay obstacles that come my way.