Dylan Masiello

Dylan Masiello

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Name: Dylan Masiello

Hometown: Wilmington, Mass.

Year in School: Junior                    

Major: Intelligence and National Security Studies


Dylan is from Wilmington, Mass.

Dylan's Video

Dylan Masiello wanted to attend a university where he could become part of the community and help those in need. All the way from Wilmington, Mass., Dylan discovered this region of the country through his sister who attended college in North Carolina. Once he found out about Coastal Carolina and realized it would allow him to do the type of service work he felt destined to do, he enrolled as a Chanticleer.

A member of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Dylan has found a great way to not only be involved on campus but to support his chapter’s numerous philanthropic causes. He is also involved with the Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentoring Program, an opportunity that has allowed him to develop a close relationship with a local elementary student he has been paired with over the past few years.

Although you might not know it from his video interview, Dylan came to Conway as a self-proclaimed introvert. He gives credit to Coastal Carolina for helping him become more outgoing and for giving him the courage to try new things. An extremely busy student, in addition to his fraternity and his service work, Dylan also plays numerous intramural sports and holds down an internship with a Myrtle Beach law office.

Dylan’s professional goal is to become a fugitive unit officer in the Boston Police Department. Looking even further down the road, his big dream is to one day become a U.S. Marshall. We thank Dylan for impacting campus in a positive way and we hope he enjoys the remainder of his time on campus.

Dylan is involved with Greek Life.
Dylan is an intelligence and national security major.

Q&A with Dylan

How did you hear about Coastal?: I was interested in playing football in North Carolina. My sister, who attended Wingate University, was able to bring me down to this area when I was 8 or 9 years old. This really opened me up to the idea of attending college in the south and Coastal Carolina was always one of my dream schools.

Why did you come to Coastal?: Coastal truly gave me a great feeling of home away from home.

Favorite professor: Joseph Fitsinakis, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Intel 330

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: Greek Life!

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being able to be part of a great community, where many people need assistance. I am one who loves to give back to the needy and this area has many opportunities to get involved in the right ways.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am involved with Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and the Dalton and Linda Floyd Family Mentoring Program. I am also involved with intramurals as I play basketball, flag football and street hockey.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am in the middle of a small internship opportunity with Hucks Law in Myrtle Beach. I spent most of my summer working there, but now that the academic year is underway I have scaled back.

Plans after graduation?:  Although my exact plans are still up in the air, my ultimate goal is to become a fugitive unit officer in the Boston Police Department.

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy coaching sports, helping the community and working out.        

Do you have any hidden talents?: I have great memorization skills.