Jared Glass

Jared Glass

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Name: Jared Glass                                                                  

Hometown: Gretna, Va.

Year in School: Senior                                                                    

Major: Business Management 

Jared came to Coastal because of the Wall College of Business.

Jared's Video

You can think of all the characteristics used to describe someone but perhaps the trait that stands out more than any other is loyalty. Jared Glass, a senior business management student, says that word sums him up best. As he begins his fourth year at Coastal after arriving from Gretna, Va., there isn’t much that Jared wouldn’t do for the friends he has met on this campus.

Jared found out about Coastal by word of mouth and enrolled in hopes of one day becoming a real estate agent. He is close to achieving that dream but there is one major challenge he is devoting a lot of energy toward this semester: passing CBAD 478 (also known as strategic management). A class that every business management student knows will push him or herself, he jokes about its time consuming nature. But in all honesty, Jared will have no problem passing the class and will be holding his diploma in May.

What remains to be seen is whether his graduation day will rival his current favorite moment at Coastal Carolina. Jared enthusiastically told us that the baseball team winning the College World Series was the highlight of his time as a Chant. Whether or not his commencement day will rival the national championship he watched his school win, Jared can tell you that he has enjoyed a terrific experience at CCU.

Jared is from Gretna, Va.
Jared participates in flag football.

Q&A with Jared:

Name: Jared Glass          

Hometown: Gretna, Va.

Year in School: Senior                                   

Major: Business Management

How did you hear about Coastal?: A friend from home told me about Coastal. She was attending college here and said that it was amazing. I wanted to try it.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal for the experience and for the great, accredited business school.

Favorite professor: It would definitely be Professor Richard Martin

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The campus! From the moment I toured I was hooked.   

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I would have to say the beach. But I also enjoy the fact that so many other entertainment options are close by.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I participate in flag football through Coastal Carolina Intramural Sports.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Yes, I work at the Nike Outlet in Myrtle Beach.

Plans after graduation?:  My plan is to go back to Virginia and work in real estate.

What are your hobbies?: My hobbies include working out, hanging with friends and watching Netflix.