Kevellin Sanders

Kevellin Sanders

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name:  Kevellin Sanders 

Hometown: Nashville, Tenn.

Year in School: Senior             

Major:  Interdisciplinary Studies (Student Affairs)

Focus: Leadership and Diversity

Kevellin is a senior.


Kevellin's Video

Here is a campus tour story for you…

When Kevellin Sanders took his tour of Coastal Carolina University, he was impressed. No, not just impressed; really impressed. In fact, Kevellin liked what he saw so much that he committed to Coastal and paid all his fees that day. As you can guess, he came to #TEALnation full of energy.

Kevellin molded himself into a well-known and well-respected leader at CCU. Calling his leadership style “innovative,” he has done whatever possible to position himself for a future career in student affairs. After he graduates in May, Kevellin plans to take the next step toward his dream by enrolling in the student affairs graduate program at Clemson.

Until then, he plans to soak up the family atmosphere he enjoys so much at Coastal, one that he helped foster himself. When he started classes as a freshman, Kevellin told us he wondered whether he would make a mark on campus by the time he graduated.

The answer to that thought is a resounding YES.

Kevellin is from Nashville, Tenn.
Kevellin wants to attend graduate school.

Q&A with Kevellin

How did you hear about Coastal?: Google led me here when I was searching for a marine science program

Why did you come to Coastal?: The campus alone sold me! But the thought of being part of the future expansion at Coastal also played a part.

Favorite professor: My favorite professor is Linda Kuykendall.

Favorite class: My favorite class is COMM 334 (Small Group Communication).

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The overall atmosphere of campus

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: There is always something to do

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: The Nu Phi chapter of ALPHA PHI ALPHA  Fraternity Inc.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Building manager for the Lib Jackson Student Union and a stock associate for Michael Kors of North Myrtle Beach

Plans after graduation?:   I want to attend graduate school. Specifically, I hope to enroll in the student affairs program at Clemson University.

What are your hobbies?: Music and movies

Do you have any hidden talents?: Graphic design