Kyla Hilty

Kyla Hilty

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Name: Kyla Hilty                   

Hometown: Boulder, Colo.

Year in School: Junior                          

Major: Early Childhood Education

Kyla spent her spring break serving the homeless in Atlanta.


Kyla's Video

If you are looking for a student who enjoys an adventure, seek out junior early childhood education student Kyla Hilty. All it takes is a quick look at her Coastal resume to realize she isn’t the type of person who likes to stay home, and we mean that figuratively and literally. Kyla came to CCU from Boulder, Colo., making the 1,760 mile leap because it just felt right when she traveled with her mom for a campus tour.

But her cross country college choice is just the tip of the excitement iceberg for Kyla. This spring break she went with a group of students to Atlanta to serve a men’s homeless shelter, an experience she said allowed her to bond with both her fellow Chanticleers and the occupants of the shelter. This summer she will study abroad in South Africa with the Spadoni College of Education where she will learn how the country structures its own education system. 

As you might guess from her summer plans, Kyla wants to become a teacher. If she has any say in it, Kyla would like to work with Teach for America, an organization whose mission it is to place top teachers in schools located in low-income communities. The eye-opening and service-centered position would be yet another adventure for Kyla.

Kyla will tell you that Coastal is “homey” and a place where “real connections” are made. While that is most definitely true, students such as Kyla are the ones fostering this special type of community. We are glad she decided to join us all the way from Colorado. 

Kyla is from Boulder, Colo.
Kyla went on several campus tours at other universities before deciding on CCU.

Q&A with Kyla

How did you hear about Coastal?: My softball coach back home told me about it.

Why did you come to Coastal?: To try something new!

Favorite professor: Lindsey Pritchard

Favorite class: My methods class, EDEC 376. We learn how to teach kindergarten and do fun things like make slime and go on scavenger hunts!

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: Hands down the people that I have met.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being so close to the beach.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: My sorority, Sigma Sigma Sigma. My honors organizations, Kappa Delta Pi and Order of Omega. The honors club on campus.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I do! At the Island Vista Resort on the beach.

Plans after graduation?: Hopefully have my own classroom working with Teach for America.

What are your hobbies?: I love to make crafts, play board games and volunteer.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can drink a lot of water very fast. I am not sure when in my life that will matter.