Lauren Lettiere

Lauren Lettiere

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Name: Lauren Lettiere

Hometown: Commack, N.Y.

Year in School: Senior          

Major: Exercise and Sport Science

Lauren is from Commack, N.Y.


Lauren's Video

After visiting the Grand Strand area several times throughout her childhood, Lauren Lettiere knew it would be an excellent place to attend college. So, the exercise and sport science student moved from Commack, N.Y., to become a Chanticleer. It was a decision that Lauren does not regret.

At Coastal Carolina, the community cares about education, Lauren says. This became evident to her as she challenged herself in the University Honors Program, a path that accelerated her learning so much that she will graduate in just three years. It wasn’t just Coastal’s commitment to the educational process that made Lauren so successful, however. It is a two-way street and she did her part to navigate through the challenging program, making good on her tendency to “always give 110% with my heart.”

Lauren wants to own her own physical therapy clinic one of these days. She loves watching the progress patients make, whether it be a small step or a big breakthrough. Her time at Coastal has made her viable to attend a great physical therapy graduate school and become that much closer to reaching her dream. We wish Lauren the best of luck. 


Lauren is an exercise and sport science student.
Lauren is a senior

Q&A with Lauren

How did you hear about Coastal?: Since the time I was a child, I have taken several trips to the Grand Strand. I wanted to look into the area as a place where I could get my education.

Why did you come to Coastal?: The growing exercise and sport science program impressed me and the location was ideal.

Favorite professor: MacGregor Hall. He truly cares about the success of his students and understands the path I plan on taking in the near future. His personable and approachable character made it easy to connect with him and make improvements inside and outside of the classroom.

Favorite class: Injury Management and Biomechanics.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The endless opportunities and various ways to get involved.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being 10 minutes from the beach and the Intracoastal Waterway. I enjoy the centralized feeling of having everything I need so close.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I serve as the secretary of the National Society of Leadership and Success and I am also a mentor in the Linda and Dalton Floyd Family Mentor program. I am also conducting research on campus and am an honors college student. Finally, I am an active member at Wellspring Church.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at the Nike Store here in the area.

Plans after graduation?: I want to complete a doctoral/master’s physical therapy program and hopefully own my own clinic.

What are your hobbies?: Hiking, basketball, volleyball, community service, painting, exercising and reading.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can touch my tongue to my nose. Otherwise, nothing too special.

Bonus Info: I managed to graduate in three years with the Honors College. I could not have made it to where I am now without the support of my family, friends, classmates, professors and God. I am forever grateful for the endless encouragement and motivation.