Lina Nelson

Lina Nelson

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Lina Nelson

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Year in School: Sophomore           

Major: Marine Science

Lina is from Cincinnati


Lina's Video

While other students might describe themselves as passionate, driven, focused or loyal, Lina Nelson uses a word to characterize herself that most college students don’t think of using. For Lina, she is able.

What does that mean? According to Lina, it means she is able to travel, able to love, able to solve math problems, able to paint, able to think clearly. Although she stopped there, one can conclude that Lina is also able to think differently.

It goes without saying that most people, especially young people, take little time to think about the seemingly little things that contribute to the human experience. But Lina just doesn’t think about them, she celebrates them.

From Cincinnati, Lina is a free spirit who brought her love of life to Coastal Carolina University because she wanted to study the oceans.  However, in less than two years on campus, she has managed to do much more than study about the planet’s largest bodies of water. A member of four different clubs, Lina has been able to team up with fellow Coastal students to enjoy the outdoors, practice yoga, go climbing and promote environmental awareness. When the 2017-18 academic year starts, she will become even more involved in protecting the earth as she serves as an EcoRep for Sustain Coastal.

Most students immediately share their #CCUfamily profiles on social media the moment they are published. Chances are Lina Nelson won’t be doing that. You see, it is more than likely that Lina won’t even see her feature for at least a week or so. Currently, the marine science sophomore is backpacking in Costa Rica, a Spring Break trip she will remember forever. Knowing Lina, she is very thankful that she is able to enjoy such a fun trip that fits her interests and personality perfectly.   


Lina is a sophomore
Lina is spending Spring Break by backpacking Costa Rica.

Q&A with Lina

How did you hear about Coastal?: First time I ever came to South Carolina was to visit Coastal, all because my dad suggested it! He knew I wanted to get out of Ohio for college and that I was interested in studying the oceans. Coastal turned out to be the perfect fit.

Why did you come to Coastal?: Mostly because of the marine science program, knowing that I would be able to get out into the field with Coastal and get hands on experience is what really sold me… and being close to the beach and having beautiful weather pretty much year round might have been the other reason.

Favorite professor: Eric Rosch, Ph.D., because he is goofy and easy-going and I love working with him and other students on crab research. Erin Burge, Ph.D., because he is so passionate about marine biology and without him guiding me through my first experience writing scientific papers, I probably would have failed out by now.

Favorite class: Although I am a science major, some of my favorite classes that I have taken at Coastal were the ones not related to science. Intro classes for religion, ethics, health, communications, political science and yoga have allowed me to take a break from science. They have all opened my eyes up to the world in different ways to subjects and ideas that I have never formally learned about before.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The community! I never realized how awesome the Coastal Carolina community was until I started to get involved more, and it has made all the difference in my experience.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Conway is such a cute little town, I really enjoy exploring the area and finding new locally owned restaurants and stores. Also, the beach, of course.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am the treasurer of the Outdoor Adventure Club, a club that is based around a love for the outdoors and appreciating what all natural wonders the earth has to offer us. Getting more involved with this club has allowed me to meet so many awesome and inspiring people who all share similar interests with me, and I can’t express my gratitude for that enough. I also try to be involved in the MOGA (meditation and yoga) club, the Climbing Club and the Roots and Shoots (environmental awareness) Club whenever I get the chance because these clubs are awesome too and I wish I had enough time in the day to spend time with all of them!

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I just got hired to be an EcoRep for Sustain Coastal starting next semester, which I am so excited for!! I love educating people about how they can do their part to take care of our environment. The earth needs more people that care, and I am an advocate for producing less waste, reducing our use of plastics, climate justice and a sustainable future. I really feel like I will be able to bring some great ideas to the table with how Coastal can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable! I also just recently got hired to work at Lowe’s in the garden center where I will get to be surrounded by plants/flowers all day, so no complaints about that. I currently work at Wahlburgers in Broadway at the Beach as a host.

Plans after graduation?:  Travel. Travel. Travel. Maybe be a hiking guide or work for a dive shop. Get my  yoga teaching license. I will probably live out of a van or my Nissan Murano for an extended period of time. No set plans, but the possibilities are endless.              

What are your hobbies?: Yoga, meditation, painting/drawing/creating art, exercising my body and mind in a variety of ways, loving/growing/taking care of plants, reading & learning about anything that I can get my hands on, hiking, backpacking, camping, taking every chance I can get to be outside, daydreaming about the next place I want to travel to

Bonus Info: I am pretty good at coming up with little things to remind people to be happy/grateful. I try to use my social media platforms as a place to spread positivity, love and light. We all need to be reminded every now and again that the sun is shining and that the grass is growing right beneath our feet and that we are loved!