Mariah Ellis

Mariah Ellis

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Name:  Mariah Ellis                                                        

Hometown: Fort Mill, S.C.

Year in School: Sophomore                                                        

Major: Marine Science


Mariah is studying marine science.

Mariah's Video

While longlining for sharks at Winyah Bay with a well-respected Coastal marine science professor, it became clear to Mariah Ellis that she had made the right decision to attend CCU. Citing it as her favorite moment at Coastal Carolina so far, she took a lot away from attending that research trip with Dan Abel. With the academic path she has charted for herself, Mariah has many more eye-opening trips in her future.

A sophomore from Fort Mill, S.C., Mariah chose Coastal because its location next to the ocean made perfect sense for someone who wanted to study marine science. Although she is already very much involved in the program and although she wants to one day earn her doctorate degree in marine biology, Mariah has interests that go beyond marine science.

On campus she is involved with the Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity, the Honors Program and the Student Chanticleer Athletic Foundation (SCAF).  She is also an athlete at heart as she enjoys running and experimenting with new workouts.

One of Mariah’s favorite traits about Coastal is that it continues to grow. Already a solid student with big goals, it will be fun to watch Mariah also continue to grow throughout her time on campus.   

Mariah is from Fort Mill, S.C.
Mariah is a sophomore.

How did you hear about Coastal?: I was on an email list for colleges based off my test scores and Coastal had a really pretty envelope with a beach scene on it.

Why did you come to Coastal?: As a marine science major, being close to the beach was a priority and the amount of opportunities available were hard to turn down. Also, the price wasn’t bad either.

Favorite professor: I do not think I can choose exactly one yet. Every professor is different so it is hard for me to compare them. They are all great.

Favorite class: MSCI 302: Marine Biology

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The ongoing expansion. There is something new every time I come back to campus.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The beach. Definitely the beach.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity, SNAP, Coastal Elasmobranch Society, SCAF, Honors Program

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I just got hired as a desk assistant for University Housing and I work at Sports Connection back at home.

Plans after graduation?:  I plan on attending graduate school and earning my master’s degree in biology and my Ph.D. in marine biology.

What are your hobbies?: I like to read, listen to music, sleep and write. I also like to run and try out new workouts. My inner athlete has not gone away.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I want to say yes I do…. But sadly no.