Miranda Gilkerson

Miranda Gilkerson

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Miranda Gilkerson                                                                  

Hometown: Charlotte, N.C.

Year in School: Sophomore                                                                    

Major: Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in Advertising and Design

Miranda is from Charlotte.

Miranda's Video

How has she only been on campus for one full year?

Taking a look at Miranda Gilkerson’s resume at Coastal would make most people think she was preparing to graduate. Fully involved in academic, social and student government groups, Miranda has already experienced and succeeded far more than what her sophomore status indicates.

As a high school freshman, Miranda got a taste of Coastal when she toured the campus with her brother who at the time was a high school senior. That brief introduction to CCU left an impression that transformed into a desire to become a Chanticleer. Not knowing a soul, Miranda started classes at Coastal in August of 2015. In a short span of 12 months, she has used her talent of effortlessly connecting with people to build a large circle of friends that most people would be envious of.

Even though Miranda has a full slate of activities to keep her busy from now until graduation, one can probably guess she will continue to put even more on her plate. For a person driven by experiencing new things, it is just in her nature. What will her sophomore year bring?    

Miranda is a sophomore.
Miranda was introduced to Coastal when her brother went on a campus tour. Miranda was a high school freshman at the time.

Q&A with Miranda:

How did you hear about Coastal?: I first heard about Coastal when my older brother, Adam, was touring colleges. When I was a rising freshman in high school and he was a rising senior in high school, my family took a tour of the campus. He ended up going to East Carolina University but has always loved Coastal. That is when CCU was first introduced to me.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I ended up coming to Coastal because I wanted to attend a college where I didn’t know anybody. Going off to college seemed like the perfect opportunity to get fully out of my comfort zone, something I was searching for since I went to the same school from 4th-12th grade.

Favorite professor: I really have loved and appreciated every professor I have had at Coastal so far. If I have to choose my favorite professor though, it would be Mr. Matthew Wood. I met Matthew Wood during my orientation because I came into the University as an undeclared student. I was then reintroduced to him when I was placed into his First Year Experience course. He is now my advisor and has offered constant support for me through my freshman year and now into my sophomore year.

Favorite class: My favorite class that I have taken at Coastal was CBAD120, Intro to Global Business. I never thought I would be interested in business, but after taking the course and being introduced to Peter Gasca, I have realized how rewarding being knowledgeable about business really is. Without taking the course, I never would have wanted to be part of the Community and Business Engagement Institute, and would have most likely chosen a different academic and career path all together.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect of Coastal is the number of students. Everywhere I go, I feel like I see someone I do know and someone I don’t. It makes me excited to know I might see one of my friends when I walk into CINO, rather than constantly searching for a friend like I probably would at a larger university. Coastal isn’t too big or too small. 

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: My favorite aspect of living in the Conway/ Myrtle Beach area is that there is always something to do. Whether it’s going to the beach or shopping, there is always somewhere new to explore. It is also in really great proximately to other fun places such as the University of South Carolina, Charleston, Wilmington or Charlotte.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a sister of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, a junior level associate for the Community and Business Engagement Institute, a sophomore senator for Student Government Association, member of the Honors College and I am a President’s List student.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I currently work on campus as an associate for the Community and Business Engagement Institute (CoBE). CoBE provides high-quality business solutions to the local community. In other words, CoBE associates are managerial consultants. Within the Institute, I am a co-leader for the Marketing, Branding and Social Media Committee. One of the goals of this committee is to expand the visibility of the Institute throughout campus and the community.

Plans after graduation?:  I am still deciding between going to graduate school to further my education or beginning my career, but regardless, the one plan I do have for certain is to travel. I have always been fascinated by experiencing new things and I am excited to explore to rest of the country and world.

What are your hobbies?: A few of my hobbies include working out or being social. I really enjoy a night out with friends where I can change the pace from school and work to relaxing and having a good time. I love meeting people too so any social event is always something I am interested in. I love going to the beach, too.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can’t disclose any hidden talents because then everyone would know and they wouldn’t be hidden anymore. (No, I am pretty average at most things.)

Bonus Info: I stayed in Conway during the summer and I have to say, watching the College World Series right here at home really became one of my favorite experiences. Shout out to the College World Series champions. I will never forget that moment. CINO!