Monica Trepiccione

Monica Trepiccione

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name:  Monica Trepiccione              

Hometown: High Bridge, N.J.

Year in School: Junior                      

Major:  Communication - PR Concentration


Monica is a junior.


Monica's Video

Monica Trepiccione is someone you would want as a friend. Funny, laid back and authentic, she is someone who will leave you with a favorable impression just minutes after meeting her for the first time. Of course it makes sense that since she has the traits that most people desire in a friend, she has a lot of friends herself. Since leaving New Jersey to come to school at Coastal, Monica has surrounded herself with a core group of people she hangs out and laughs with on a daily basis.

In order to succeed at public relations, you have to be able to relate to people. No one wants a representative of a company to talk down to them or communicate in a way that seems out of touch. At Coastal, Monica is studying communication with an emphasis in public relations. If the way she currently relates with fellow students, staff and faculty translates to how she would treat the customers or clients of a given company, one would have to think that someone in PR would be very smart to give her a chance once she graduates in 2018.   

In addition to studying tried and true public relations strategy, she is also a student of the new school form of PR: social media. Monica is a member of the #CCUSocialMedia Student Advisory group on campus and is exploring the explosive impact a solid social plan combined with outstanding writing can have on a company’s outreach efforts. Look for someone like Monica, using trusted principles but new age techniques, to make a splash. 

Monica is from High Bridge, N.J.
Monica is a communication major.

Q&A with Monica

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal because my a friend of my cousin went here

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because I love the area and that the weather is really nice here. Also when I moved here for school my dad moved here with me.

Favorite professor: Elizabeth Muckensturm

Favorite class: Currently my favorite class is Journalism 312, which is media relations.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite thing about Coastal is that the campus is so beautiful and there are so many different types of people here, as well as so many ways to get involved.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: My favorite thing about living in the Myrtle Beach area is that there is literally always something to do here. There is a great nightlife scene and there are tons of places to go out and eat.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a part of the #CCUSocialMedia Student Advisory group and I am about to be inducted into Upsilon Eta, the communication honor society at CCU.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at Key West Grill (Broadway at the Beach) and Aramark on campus.

Plans after graduation?: I don’t have any specific plans for graduation, but I think I want to live in NYC or some other metropolitan area. I hope to work in public relations, but I still have a year to go before graduating

What are your hobbies?: My favorite thing to do is hang out with my friends, I know that sounds cliché but I love being surrounded by people who I can really be myself around. I love to laugh and I love spending time with my friends because there is rarely a moment where I’m not laughing with them. I also love to listen to music and sing (badly) along to my favorite songs. When I am trying to have a chill night, I will usually pop on a comedy show of some sort, my favorite TV shows include “The Office,” “American Dad,” “How I Met Your Mother,” and “Parks and Recreation.” I like to play with my dogs. When I am stressed I like to hop in my car and drive around while listening to my favorite music. I also love having people over my apartment to hang out. I love social media and my favorite social media site is Twitter- @monicatrep ;)

Do you have any hidden talents?: I am double jointed in my hands and I can crack peoples thumbs.