Paris Winters

Paris Winters

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Name:  Paris Winters                                                                          

Hometown: Mechanicsville, Va.

Year in School: Senior                                                   

Major 1: Marketing

Major 2: Management


Paris found out about Coastal through a college fair.

Paris' Video

Those who give it their all while attending college usually accomplish more than just earning a degree, establishing a career path and having a little bit of fun. Many of them grow as people.

Meet Paris Winters, a senior from Mechanicsville, Va., who attended Coastal because of the potential she saw for herself within the Wall College of Business. However, while she certainly has realized the possibilities offered by our business school, she has also discovered her own strong will.

“I have gained a lot of confidence at Coastal. I have accomplished a lot of things I didn’t know I could,” Paris explains.

The confidence boost has led Paris to do more than just tackle two different majors while maintaining involvement with some prestigious academic groups. In fact, it has led her to succeed in endeavors completely outside the walls of the Wall College of Business.

Take these three examples: Paris is a student marketing assistant for University Communication, a student worker at Wheelwright Auditorium and a marketing intern at Horry Telephone Cooperative (HTC). Taking the initiative to expand her education beyond the classroom, Paris will have solid marketing experience to draw from when the time comes to state her case to Amazon, her preferred employer, on why they should hire her.

Despite the numerous experiences enjoyed by Paris thus far at Coastal, she knows the sweetest moment “is yet to come.” She believes that the CCU memory etched in her brain will arrive when she walks across the HTC Center stage in May, the culminating moment built from four years of hard work and growth. We can’t wait to be there to watch it! 

Paris is double majoring in marketing and management.
Paris is from Mechanicsville, Va.

Q&A with Paris

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal through a college fair.

Why did you come to Coastal?: Because of the good reputation of the Wall College of Business.

Favorite professor: Samuel Wathen, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Decision Analysis

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The small class sizes that allow you to make connections with the students in your class as well as the professors.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The movie theater with the reclining seats

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am involved with Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, the University Honors Program and the Student Executive Leadership Program.  I am also on the President’s List (fall 2014-current).

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at Wheelwright Auditorium and I am a student marketing assistant for the Office of University Communication. I am also a marketing intern at Horry Telephone Cooperative (HTC).

Plans after graduation?: I plan to move to Seattle, Wa., to hopefully work at Amazon. 

What are your hobbies?: Playing with my adorable dog, Sadie! I also enjoy fishing and watching Dance Moms and the Big Bang Theory.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I wish I did but I don’t think I do.