Red Woodford

Red Woodford

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Red Woodford

Hometown: Columbia, S.C.

Year in School: Sophomore

Major: Marine Science                                                                                                        


Red is a marine science student.

Red's Video

When asked what her number one goal at Coastal Carolina is, Kristina “Red” Woodford says she wants to make a positive impact and leave her mark. She is well on her way to doing that.

Just a sophomore from Columbia, Red has already made her presence known at Coastal. A member of two honor societies and two outdoor clubs, she already has a lot on her plate. But it is the team she is on that really ignites the fire inside of her. A member of the women’s rugby team, Red enjoys the weekends spent traveling with her squad to take on the club teams at other universities. Just ask about her experience and she will tell you that the constant soreness is well worth it.

Outside of the extracurricular activities that Red partakes in, there is her strong commitment to academics. After scrutinizing and researching various marine science programs, Red chose Coastal. She said what set CCU’s program apart from the others was the opportunity for hands on experience right from the start. She knew that from the second she stepped on campus she would be able to take advantage of Coastal’s signature experiential learning options.

With aspirations to become a conservation educator, Red plans to maximize the hands on offerings at Coastal while still having a lot of fun on the rugby field.  

Red is a sophomore.
Red is from Columbia, S.C.

Q&A with Red

Why did you come to Coastal?: I was looking at colleges all over the state of South Carolina that offered a degree in marine science.  There are only three.  University of South Carolina, College of Charleston and of Course Coastal Carolina.  For me USC was too close to home, since I live less than 20 minutes away.  I loved Charleston, but I did not like the fact that students could not get internships until junior year.  Then I found Coastal. I fell in love with the campus the minute I stepped foot on it.  I came down in November of my senior year and fell in love while taking the tour.  I then went over to the Coastal Science Center and had a tour with the marine science staff and found out that you could do an internship and be hands on as a freshman and that was the selling point for me.  

Favorite professor: I have two: for my major classes it would have to be Dr. Rosch with marine science. For non-major classes it would be Katherine Madden (English 101-102).

Favorite class: My favorite class by far has been my marine science labs, both 111 and 112.  I love having the hands on aspect of my future career. In the lab environment I get the experience and the fun along with the learning of course. 

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: My favorite aspect about living in Conway/Myrtle beach area is you get the best of two different worlds.  You get the small town feel when it comes to Conway.  But you also get the up town and high past beat of Myrtle Beach.  Also with Myrtle there is the beach and the shopping so that is a bonus.  

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am involved in a lot on campus.  I am part of two national honor societies, National Society of Leadership and Success & Phi Eta Sigma.  I am also part of CCU fishing Club and Coastal Saltwater Anglers.  Then on top of that I am an executive board member and player for the women’s rugby team here at Coastal. 

Plans after graduation?:  I plan to earn my graduate degree in marine conservation.  I want to be a conservation educator whether it be funded through the state or a nonprofit. 

What are your hobbies?:  I mostly play rugby or soccer. I also enjoy target practice (archery),  going on hikes and spending time outdoors.  I love being in nature and just embracing the natural beauty the world has to offer.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I don’t have any hidden talents. I am awful at singing and I only dance when I am with a group of people having fun. 

Bonus Info: An Interesting fact about myself is that my right arm is shorter than my left by four centimeters and I qualified for the Junior Olympics in archery at the age of 13.