Taylor Dawsey

Taylor Dawsey

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Name:  Taylor Dawsey                         

Hometown: Simpsonville, S.C.

Year in School: Sophomore                          

Major: Psychology

Taylor is a sophomore.


Taylor's Video

Taylor Dawsey’s plan for her future started to take root in a high school Spanish class. The teacher of the course was so passionate and excited about the language that it rubbed off on Taylor. After taking a trip to Spain, Taylor’s own love for Spanish reached new heights. It was no longer just a language requirement she wanted to fulfill but rather something she wanted to learn and explore.

Taylor has continued to polish her Spanish skills here at Coastal. She serves as a Spanish tutor, helping others with the language in the same way that her high school mentor did with her. Upon graduation, If pieces fall into place, Taylor would jump at the chance to live in a Spanish speaking country for a year and teach English.

To say that Spanish is the only area Taylor has grown in while at Coastal would be highly inaccurate. In addition to succeeding in her psychology coursework, her growth at CCU extends past academics. Taylor is a sister within Coastal’s Alpha Delta Pi chapter. It is with this sorority that she has been able to serve a cause that she says she is “passionate” about. Alpha Delta Pi’s philanthropic organization is the Ronald McDonald House and Taylor will tell you it has been a pleasure to raise money for the charity and to help directly the individuals it serves. Taylor has sharpened her leadership skills as well. She was selected to serve as an orientation leader and will be a valuable asset for new students come this summer.

Taylor says that her goal while a student is to “represent the University in the best way possible” and so far she has surely done that.

Taylor is a psychology student.
Taylor is from Simpsonville, S.C.

Q&A with Taylor

How did you hear about Coastal?: My dad’s side of the family lives in Aynor and Conway so I grew up knowing about it

Why did you come to Coastal?: It’s a small school with a big school atmosphere.

Favorite professor: Professor Yun Sil Jeon

Favorite class: Psychology of Marriage

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: All professors are so eager to help me and I am more than just a number here. I feel as if I am actually able to make a mark on this campus.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being 20 minutes from the Beach!

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Order of Omega, Psi Chi, Alpha Delta Pi, Orientation Leader

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Spanish tutor for the University

Plans after graduation?: I would love to live in a Spanish speaking country for a year and teach English but if all else fails grad school it is.

What are your hobbies?: Painting and being crafty, dancing

Do you have any hidden talents?: Not many people know that I can play the violin

Bonus Info: I love dogs more than anything!