Taylor Landis

Taylor Landis

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name:  Taylor Landis         

Hometown: Hershey, Pa.

Year in School: Senior                   

Major:  Marketing 


Taylor is a senior.


Taylor's Video

Taylor Landis says that you can smell the chocolate in the air in Hershey, Pa., but she wanted to smell the ocean in the air instead. After vacationing in the Grand Strand area throughout her childhood, the chance to attend college at Coastal Carolina University was an opportunity she did not want to pass up.

A senior who is studying marketing, Taylor will not hesitate to tell you what she will cherish the most about her time at Coastal. A horse enthusiast, she rode the animals competitively growing up. Taylor was able to continue to pursue her passion at Coastal via the Equestrian Club. Although she admits that the other members of the club all vary considerably when it comes to personalities, their common bond for horses unites them together both as a team and as friends. Serving this year as the president, Taylor says that her involvement with the Equestrian Club has equated to her biggest highlight as a Chanticleer.

After Taylor graduates this summer, she wants to take time off from the classroom and work. However, she has plans to earn her graduate degree at some point down the road. Taylor knows that, just like horses, the option for additional education will always be there. 

Taylor is from Hershey, Penn.
Taylor is a marketing major

Q&A with Taylor

How did you hear about Coastal?: My family has been vacationing in the Myrtle Beach area since I was really little, so I have been familiar with the school and area for a long time.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I loved the location and size of the school as well as the classes and programs offered. After I visited the campus I realized that it was a perfect fit.

Favorite professor: Mr. Doerring

Favorite class: CBAD 350 Marketing

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The perfect location

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I enjoy being near the beach and there are enough restaurants, shopping, and touristy attractions nearby that give you plenty of things to do without living in a big city.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: President of the Equestrian Club, member of SEL (Student Executive Leaders), member of Sigma Alpha Pi (National Society of Leadership and Success)

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Chuck and Duck’s at Broadway

Plans after graduation?: I would like to take some time off and work and then attend grad school           

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy riding horses and competing which is why I am a member of the equestrian team. I also like to go to the beach on a nice day or go shopping. Both of these things are great stress relievers as well.