Tessa Calhoun

Tessa Calhoun

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Tessa Calhoun                                                                  

Hometown: Frederick, Md.

Year in School: Senior                                                                      

Major: Exercise and Sport Science

Tessa is from Frederick, Md.


Tessa's Video

Do you want to know what Tessa Calhoun is passionate about? We will give you a couple hints: She volunteers at the Grand Strand Humane Society and she lists “really good at petting dogs” as a hidden talent. Yes, Tessa loves animals and freely spends time with the ones that especially need care. It has been said that you can tell how well a person treats others by the way they treat animals. Says a lot about Tessa, right?

A senior exercise and sport science student from Frederick, Md., Tessa wanted to go somewhere out of her comfort zone for college. About 400 miles south of her hometown she found Coastal Carolina University. Encouraged by the strong campus community and the environmentally friendly initiatives, Tessa has not regretted her decision. After graduating later this academic year, she would like to do some traveling before beginning graduate level coursework in occupational therapy. Have a great senior year, Tess!   


Tessa is a senior.
Tessa's role model is her mom.

Q&A with Tessa

How did you hear about Coastal?: A few people from my hometown attended Coastal but other than that I had never really heard of it. I decided to check it out and look where it landed me!

Why did you come to Coastal?: I wanted to go somewhere far from home and out of my comfort zone. Plus, I couldn't pass living at the beach.

Favorite professor: Dr. Sue!

Favorite class: Abnormal Psychology

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I really like how Coastal strives to be environmentally friendly.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: There is always something to do!

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I volunteer at the Grand Strand Humane Society and I am a member of CCU Heartbeat.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Waitressing

Plans after graduation?: Hopefully travel a little bit! I then want to attend graduate school to study occupational therapy. After I earn my master’s degree I would eventually like to get my doctorate.

What are your hobbies?: I have a few. Hiking, paddle boarding, going to the beach, reading and painting.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I am really good at petting dogs.