Whitney Forlines

Whitney Forlines

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Whitney Forlines              

Hometown: Halifax, Va.

Year in School:  Senior                  

Major: Psychology 


Whitney is studying psychology

Whitney's Video

This past weekend, Coastal Carolina University students and the greater community came together to raise over $34,000 for the McLeod Children’s Hospital. The money was raised via the CCU Dance Marathon, an event that encourages non-stop dancing for eight hours. Whitney Forlines, a senior psychology student, played a crucial role in the marathon’s success. A member of the CCU Dance Marathon Leadership Team, she worked long and hard to make sure a big check would find its way to the steps of McLeod Children’s Hospital.

There is no doubt that Whitney is a good person. No university, not even CCU, can motivate an individual to spearhead an effort to raise money for a children’s hospital. That drive comes from within. However, Whitney says that Coastal gave her tools to be more successful when it came to taking on such a big endeavor.  Remarking that CCU helped make her “a better student, a better leader,” she used prior lessons and opportunities to aid her in successfully leading the CCU Dance Marathon.

This past weekend’s event will go down as a major highlight during Whitney’s time at Coastal. However, it won’t be her final one. Whitney still has several months left at CCU before she graduates in May. Before she goes off to the next stage in her life, it is our hope that this selfless student continues to lead and give back before walking across that stage. By doing so, more students will have the chance to observe her and hopefully follow in her legacy.      

Whitney is a senior.
Whitney is from Halifax, Va.

Q&A with Whitney

How did you hear about Coastal?: Previous graduates from my high school attended Coastal and had great experiences.

Why did you come to Coastal?: A major reason I came to Coastal was the size, the amount of students and faculty/staff on campus is perfect.

Favorite professor: Bernard Albiniak, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Anything that is related to my field of study (psychology).

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The overall feel of Coastal; people are so friendly and eager to help.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I love downtown Conway. It is adorable and has so many nice stores and restaurants.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Alpha Delta Pi, VP of Philanthropy for the Panhellenic Executive Board, Order of Omega, National Society of Leadership and Success

Plans after graduation?:  Earn my graduate degree in psychology and work with returning veterans.      

What are your hobbies?: I love hanging out with my dog and going on hikes.