
CCU trustees adopt all-hazards mitigation plan

February 24, 2017

At its regular February meeting today, Coastal Carolina University's board of trustees approved the adoption of a campuswide all-hazards mitigation plan.

The plan is designed to protect CCU students, faculty, staff and property from the impacts of an array of possible hazards. In November 2014, CCU received a pre-disaster mitigation grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through the South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) to develop the plan. CCU's all-hazards mitigation planning team developed the plan with input from local and state officials and other stakeholders. The plan has been approved by SCEMD and is awaiting approval by FEMA.

In compliance with the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, adopting an all-hazards mitigation plan will qualify CCU to apply for federal mitigation grants.

The board also approved a resolution requesting the state treasurer to move forward with the refunding of an outstanding revenue bond at a lower rate of interest. Refunding the interest rate from 4.0 to 4.25 percent down to 2.25 percent will represent an approximate net present value savings of 9.96 percent or $843,000. The principal amount will not exceed $7.25 million.

The board approved the construction phase of a planned $5 million soccer complex in the Atlantic Center.

The board approved a resolution recognizing the achievements of the Clemson University football program in winning the 2016 national championship.

The board also approved recommendations for faculty promotion and/or tenure. Five faculty members have been promoted to associate professor with tenure: Lindsey Bell, Monica Fine, Joseph Fitsanakis, Jeffry Halverson and Kevin McWilliams.

Eleven faculty members were promoted from associate to full professor: Jen Boyle, Jason Eastman, Sharon Gilman, Keshav Jagannathan, William Jones, Joseph Oestreich, Robert Salvino, Kerry Schwanz, Holley Tankersley, Eric Wright and Min Ye.

One faculty member, Scott Bacon, was promoted to associate librarian with tenure. Jennifer Hughes was promoted to librarian.

Five faculty members were approved for tenure: Melissa Clark, Howard Coleman, Corrine Dalelio, Gary Schmidt and Richard Viso.

The board approved distinguished professor emeritus status for four retiring faculty members: Elizabeth Keller, Linda Palm, Joan Piroch and Jeanne Cobb.

Seven property leases were renewed by the board.