
CCU trustees approve master’s program in communication

August 4, 2017

At its regular meeting today, Coastal Carolina University's board of trustees approved a new master's program, the Master of Arts in Communication.

The proposed degree offers two concentrations: communication leadership and communication advocacy. Graduates of the program will gain expertise in effective communication within organizations as well as publicly through technology (social media, broadcast channels, public relations, etc.) and directly (interpersonal relations, conflict resolution, persuasion, etc.). The two concentrations will give graduates the option to focus on either the application of communication in leading groups or organizations or on the effective use of communication on behalf of others, often as a voice for the voiceless.

The new degree was developed in response to increased demand from employers for people who have effective written and oral communication skills, according to studies by the National Association of Colleges and Employers and the American Association of Colleges and Universities. Degree programs must be approved by the South Carolina Higher Education Commission and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) before being officially added to the University curriculum. CCU currently offers 21 graduate level programs, including one doctoral program.

The board also approved two addition laboratory fees of $55 and $65, respectively, for two specific marine science courses.

The board also approved tenure for the hiring of Melvin D. Davis, Ph.D., as University librarian, effective Sept. 15, 2017.