
ILPP releases policy briefs on N.C. fracking bill, school nutrition

September 19, 2014

The Institute for Leadership and Public Policy (ILPP) at Coastal Carolina University has released three student-produced policy briefs on national and regional issues.

The briefs being issued by ILPP focus on (1) the North Carolina Senate bill that regulates hydraulic fracturing (fracking) activities; (2) school nutrition programs in South Carolina; and (3) the national Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The briefs highlight key points of the policies, cite challenges that have been raised, and offer recommendations for lawmakers.

These reports are the first in a continuing series of briefs that students will produce on a wide range of topics, according to Holley Tankersley, chair of the Department of Politics and Geography at CCU. The reports analyze federal and state laws and their impacts on various communities. "ILPP activities are designed to introduce students to the practice and purpose of public service, leadership and good citizenship," says Tankersley, "as well as to benefit the community at large."

Established earlier this year through CCU's Thomas W. and Robin W. Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts, the ILPP will focus on polling activities, nonpartisan public policy analysis, and leadership activities for students.

The complete briefs are available in the Policy Analyses section of the ILPP website at

For more information, contact Virginia Norris, coordinator of ILPP, at or 843-349-6592.