
CCU honors Icelandic alumni

April 14, 2015

The Honorable Robert C. Barber, U.S. Ambassador to Iceland, joined President and Mrs. David A. DeCenzo and over 30 Coastal Carolina University alumni at a reception held in Reykjavik, Iceland on Saturday, April 12. CCU has been receiving students from Iceland since the early 1980s and currently has more than 80 Icelandic alumni.

The Icelandic Whales Alumni Association is CCU's only international alumni association, and its members maintain active ties with Coastal Carolina University and the Myrtle Beach area and fund the only alumni organization-funded scholarship for students coming to the University. Five current CCU students are recipients of this scholarship.

Ambassador Barber, who became the highest U.S. official in Iceland earlier this year, said, "I learned something tonight and just now about the scholarship and the connection and the efforts that you all contribute to getting students to Coastal Carolina University. That is so impressive to me. I have been amazed at the connections that your university has been able to make. I am delighted that there are so many alums. One of the things that is very, very central to the work of an ambassador and something I am quite eager to be involved in is the educational collaboration … I am eager to participate in any way that I can be helpful."

During the visit to Iceland, CCU President and Mrs. DeCenzo, Alumni Director Jean Ann Brakefield, Associate Provost Darla Domke-Damonte and Director of International Programs Geoffrey Parsons visited with numerous alumni at their places of business, participated in the Icelandic Whales Alumni Association board meeting, shared CCU's educational programs with local schools, students and their families, and discussed further cooperation opportunities between the organizations.

President DeCenzo noted, "The Icelandic Whales Alumni Association board has done an exceptional job of working with us to further support bringing talented international students to study at Coastal Carolina University. The energy and commitment of this group to our University, even with the great physical distance that separates us, is commendable. We are excited to see more students from Iceland join the exceptional educational programs on our campus and help enrich the community with their energy and enthusiasm."

Ambassador Barber, who grew up in Charleston, also noted, "An Icelandic accent is pretty sweet. A South Carolina accent is really sweet. But when I hear Icelanders speaking with a Southern accent that has moved me."

For further information, contact Darla Domke-Damonte, Associate Provost for Global Initiatives, at 843-349-2129 or

For information about the Icelandic Whales Alumni Association, consult the group's Facebook page: