
Zero Waste football game results in 83 percent diversion rate

November 24, 2015

Coastal Carolina University's TD Campus and Community Sustainability Initiative, in partnership with Chanticleer Athletics and Aramark Dining Services, hosted an inaugural Zero Waste football game on Saturday, Nov. 14, at Brooks Stadium. The event resulted in an 83 percent diversion rate, with 1,170 lbs. of recyclables and 2,250 lbs. of compostables.

The Zero Waste football game effort was the second phase of the campuswide transition to future zero waste event opportunities. Fans had the opportunity to divert their waste at the game with designated zero waste stations that were managed by student volunteers from first year experience classes. The Zero Waste effort was led by Eco-Rep student leaders and the student Green Team.

In partnership with SMART Recycling of Charleston, S.C., CCU has implemented food waste composting at two of its dining facilities, Hicks Dining Hall and Chauncey's Choice. "We couldn't have done this without the tremendous efforts from our student team and our partners," said Jeremy Monday, CCU waste reduction coordinator. "We look forward to hosting another zero waste football game sometime next season and increasing our diversion rate."

CCU defines zero waste as the diversion of 90 percent or more of waste into recycling and composting efforts. Working with Chanticleer Athletics and Aramark Dining Services, the TD Campus and Community Sustainability Initiative has already taken strides that will help smooth its transition to zero waste.