Public Safety

Welcome to the Department of Public Safety

The mission of the Coastal Carolina University Department of Public Safety is to provide the University community with professional, proactive safety and protection.

Our people are available all day, every day to help you.

Emergency Telephone Number: 843-349-2911

Tip line for text and voicemail: 843-349-8477

Direct Telephone Number: 843-349-2177

Facsimile Number: 843-349-2141

Location: 255 University Blvd.  Campus Map »

The Police Division is a full service police department made up of two types of uniformed officer (University Police Officers and Security Officers) as well as civilian staff members. The Police division's tasks include:

  • Providing security for people and property on the University campus
  • Preventing and investigating any suspicious or criminal activities
  • Ensuring the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors
  • Enforcing parking regulation
  • Responding to alarms and calls for service
  • Law enforcement and safety education

Support services are provided to the Department of Public Safety by non-uniformed staff who are tasked with:

  • Dispatch operations
  • Alarm monitoring
  • Office operations
  • Parking sticker and ticket operations

The Fire Safety Division is responsible for planning and administering the University's fire prevention and life safety inspection programs. This includes review of all new building construction and renovations to insure compliance with University fire protection standards and applicable state, local, and national fire and life safety standards. In addition, this function is responsible for investigating the causes of fires, explosions, chemical hazards, accidents and related emergencies. Based on the investigations, Fire Safety personnel recommend changes to affect better safety standards and to reduce recurrence of such accidents.

Weekly fire and safety inspections are conducted in every campus building. Also, fire exit drills are conducted in University buildings. The purpose of these drills is to assure that the University is as safe as possible, and, if an emergency does occur, everyone is familiar with what actions to take.

It is the mission of the Office of Emergency Management to provide a comprehensive emergency management program that prepares the university community for all hazards and threats, and promotes disaster resilience.

Services available from the Department of Public Safety include:

After-hours Emergencies: The communications center maintains an on-call list of fire and safety, physical plant, contract custodial staff, residence administration, student counseling, student life, etc. personnel to assure appropriate response to campus emergencies at all hours. Also, in extreme cases, Public Safety officers can assist in the delivery of an emergency message to a student, staff or faculty member. Please contact 843-349-2911.

Motorist Assistance: Assisting motorists on campus is a service of the Department of Public Safety. It is designed to assist students, faculty, staff and visitors experiencing vehicle problems while at the University. The Department of Public Safety will loan jumper cables, an enclosed battery jumper, unlock car doors, help with flat tires or loan a gas can. We are here to help. To request assistance call the Public Safety office at 349-2177 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Safe Transport: If you would like someone to go with you to your vehicle, or between buildings here on the main campus please call 843-349-2177 and request a Public Safety Officer to get you safely to your destination.

Leave us a tip:

Have you seen something you think we need to know about? Text or call us at 843-349-TIPS (843-349-8477).