Inside CCU A-Z

An alphabetical directory of Coastal Carolina University departments/divisions, websites

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    R    S    T    U    V    W

Select the department or division name below to link to the applicable website, or select the letter above to go directly to the alphabetical section.
 • Denotes the academic department or program area

Academic and Community Outreach 843-349-5002 Singleton
Academic Integrity Office 843-349-2451
Academic Testing Center 843-349-4011 Coastal Science 102
Accessibility and Disability Services 843-349-2503 Laurel
Accounting (D. Wyatt Henderson Department) 843-349-2574 Wall 201A •
Accounts Payable 843-349-4157 450A Century Circle 115
Accounts Receivable 843-349-6646 450A Century Circle 119
Admissions and Merit Awards 843-349-2170 Baxley 102
Advancement 843-349-2007 Atheneum 112
Alumni Relations 843-349-2586 Atheneum 112
Anthropology and Geography 843-234-3496 Brittain 230 •
Army ROTC 843-349-4195 Mense Hall
Art Gallery (Rebecca Randall Bryan) 843-349-6454 Edwards 129
Athenaeum Press 843-349-5099 Edwards 109
Athletics Compliance 843-349-2029 Arcadia 108
Athletics Ticket Office 843-347-8499 Arcadia 106
Auxiliary Enterprises 843-349-6482 Singleton 147
Benefits and Insurance 843-349-2036 95 University Blvd.
Biology 843-349-2238 Science Annex II 207A •
Board of Trustees 843-349-2005 Singleton 102
Bookstore/Barnes and Noble 843-349-2360 HTC Center 101
Bridge Program 843-234-3463 Kearns 105 •
Campus Dining/Aramark 843-349-2255 Jackson Student Union B109B
Career Services 843-349-2341 Jackson Student Union A203
CEaL (Coastal Excellence and Leadership Program) 843-349-6901 Kearns 105
Center for Marine and Wetland Studies (Burroughs & Chapin) 843-349-4019 Coastal Science 122
CHANT411 843-234-3411 Jackson Student Union Desk
Chanticleer Athletic Foundation 843-349-6670 Arcadia 127
Chemistry 843-349-2806 Science Annex II 301F •
CINO Cards 843-349-4000 Sands Hall 103
Coastal Educational Foundation 843-349-2194 Atheneum 101
Coastal Student Success Center 843-234-3463 Kearns 105
CoBE Institute 843-349-6912 Wall 215A
College of Education (Spadoni) 843-349-2629 Prince 215 •
College of Graduate and Continuing Studies 843-349-2394 163 Singleton Building
College of Health and Human Performance (CMC)  843-349-2217 Penny Hall 339 •
College of Humanities and Fine Arts (Edwards) 843-349-2421 Edwards 201 • 
College of Science (Gupta) 843-349-2202 Science Annex II 210 •
Communication, Media and Culture 843-349-2450 Brittain 311 •
Compliance, University 843-349-6984 Singleton 219
Computing Sciences 843-349-2116 Penny Hall 233 •
Conway Medical Center College of Health and Human Performance 843-349-2217 Penny Hall 339 •
Counsel, University 843-349-4101 Singleton 112
Counseling Services 843-349-2305 Student Health Center
Custodial Services 843-349-6470 Facilities 2
Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentoring Program 843-349-2665 Prince 123
Dean of Students Office 843-349-4161 Indigo Hall
Digital Culture and Design 843-349-6654 Edwards 106 •
Each 1 Teach 1 Institute 843-349-2683 Wall 301B
Early Childhood Education 843-349-6992 Prince 111 •
Early Childhood Development and Literacy Center 843-349-2429 106 Chanticleer Dr. East
Education Abroad 843-349-6531 Jackson Student Union A109
Elementary Education 843-349-5047 Prince 111
Emergency Management 843-349-5088 Coastal Science 177
Employment 843-349-2036 95 University Blvd.
English 843-349-6423 Edwards 224 •
Environmental Health and Safety 843-349-2770 470B Allied Dr.
Environmental Quality Lab/EQL 843-349-2237 Coastal Science 112
Equal Employment Opportunity/EEO 843-349-2036 95 University Blvd.
Event and Production Services 843-349-2501 Wheelwright
Executive Initiatives 843-349-2109 Singleton 217-220
Experiential Learning 843-349-2728 Kearns 104D
Faculty Senate 843-349-2090 Singleton 122
Finance and Administration 843-349-2283 Singleton 204A
Finance and Economics 843-349-2574 Wall 201A •
Financial Aid and Scholarships 843-349-2313 Baxley 219
Financial Services 843-349-2283 290 Allied Dr. (BCMW) 
Fire and Safety 843-349-6563 Sands 123
Global Engagement Center 843-349-2213 Jackson Student Union A109
Global Initiatives 843-349-2129 Jackson Student Union A109
Graduate Studies 843-349-2394 Baxley 223
Grounds Services 843-349-6470 Facilities 2
Hackler Golf Course 843-349-6600 107 Citadel Drive
Health Sciences 843-349-6568 Swain 138 •
History 843-349-2476 Brittain 378 •
HTC Center 843-349-2802 Welcome Desk
Horry County Archives Center 843-349-4056 Kimbel Library 210
Horry County Higher Education Commission 843-349-2283
Housing, University 843-349-6400 Tradition 135
Human Resources and Equal Opportunity 843-349-2036 95 University Blvd.
Information Technology Services 843-349-5000/843-349-2084 Wall 105/Penny Hall 116/120
Intercollegiate Athletics 843-349-2231 Arcadia 104
Institutional Research, Assessment and Analysis 843-349-2994 Singleton 212
Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services 843-349-2749 Jackson Student Union A102
Intercultural Language Resource Center 843-349-2468 Brittain Hall 233
Kimbel Library/Bryan Information Commons 843-349-2400
Kinesiology 843-349-2808 Williams-Brice 111 •
Languages and Intercultural Studies 843-349-2741 Brittain 212 •
Lib Jackson Student Union 843-349-2579 A103
Licensing and Trademarks 843-349-2102 Hampton Hall
LIFE Program 843-349-2665 Prince 123
Litchfield Education Center 843-349-6584 14427 Ocean Highway
LiveWell Office 843-349-4031 Jackson Student Union B202
Mail/Postal Services 843-349-2156 Sands 103
Management and Decision Sciences 843-349-2837 Wall 323 A •
Marine Science 843-349-2707 Science Annex II 102 •
Marketing and Hospitality, Resort and Tourism Management 843-349-6510 Wall 301A • 
Mathematics and Statistics 843-349-2004 Smith 218Q •
Mathematics Learning Center 843-349-2884 Kearns 203
Middle Level Education 843-349-2738 Prince 105G •
Military and Veteran Services 843-349-4124 Jackson Student Union B203 •
Music 843-349-2637 Edwards 151 •
New Student and Family Programs 843-349-2027 Jackson Student Union B213I
Ombuds Services FACULTY: 843-349-2727 Sands 111
Ombuds Services STAFF: 843-333-6957 Kimbel Library 216
Orientation 843-349-2027 Jackson Student Union B213
Osher Lifelong Learning/OLLI 843-349-6554 Coastal Science Center  
Payroll 843-349-2540 290 Allied Drive (BCMW) Suite 119
Philosophy and Religious Studies 843-349-2731 Penny Hall 327 •
Photography 843-349-2923 Hampton 109D
Physical Education 843-349-2971 Prince 206 •
Physics and Engineering Science 843-349-2985 Smith 114D •
Politics 843-349-2621 Brittain 342
President's Office 843-349-2002 Singleton 102
Printing Services 843-349-2921 Century Circle Office B (450b)
Procurement Services 843-349-2189 642 Century Circle
Professional Golf Management/PGA PGM 843-349-2680 Wall 122 •
Provost's Office 843-349-2088 Singleton Suite 117
Psychology 843-349-2275 Smith 210A
Public Safety 843-349-2177 255 University Blvd.
Recreation and Sport Management 843-349-2619 Penny Hall 343 •
Recreation, University 843-349-2802 HTC Center 145
Registrar’s Office 843-349-2019 Baxley 222
Risk Management and Insurance Services 843-349-2125 Singleton 220
ROTC Chanticleer Company 843-349-4195 Mense 107
Scheduling and Event Services 843-349-2743 Wheelwright 104
Small Business Development Center 843-349-4010 Atlantic 103
Sociology 843-349-2274 Penny Hall 322 •
Special Education 843-349-2664 Prince 105C •
Special Events 843-349-2811 Singleton 134
Sponsored Programs and Research Services 843-349-2978 Coastal Science 160
Student Affairs 843-349-2302 Jackson Student Union A108
Student Computing Services 843-349-2220 Kearns 113
Student Conduct 843-349-4161 Indigo Hall
Student Health Services 843-349-6543 Student Health Center
Student Housing Foundation 843-349-2194 Atheneum 101A
Student Life 843-349-2301 Jackson Student Union B213
Sustainability 843-349-6954 Facilities 2 104D
Theatre 843-349-6635 Edwards 219 •
Title IX 843-349-2382 Kearns 104B
Transportation Services/Campus Shuttle 843-234-3433 ETFS 101
Tutoring and Learning Center 843-349-6536 Kearns 203
Undergraduate Research 843-349-2616 Suite 160, Coastal Science Center
University Marketing and Communication 843-349-2244 Hampton Hall
Video Production Services 843-349-2890 Hampton 110
Visual Arts 843-349-2700 Edwards 273 •
Waccamaw Watershed Academy 843-349-4028 Coastal Science
Wall Center for Excellence 843-349-4187 Wall 233
Wall Fellows Program 843-349-6509 Wall 215
Welcome Center/Baxley Hall 843-349-2170
Wheelwright Box Office 843-349-2787 Wheelwright
Women's and Gender Studies 843-349-6919 Kearns 211G
Workers' Compensation 843-349-2125 Singleton 220
Writing Center 843-349-2937 Kearns 210
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