University Travel

University Travel

Travel in support of Coastal Carolina University's mission is guided by a number of key policies and processes developed to support the health, safety, and wellbeing of our campus community members, awareness of risk and liability, and prudent use of University resources, while meeting state and other regulatory guidelines.

University travel is defined as any transportation to a destination more than 10 miles from the University for the purpose of conducting business of the University, attending professional meetings, conferences, workshops, conventions and other related meetings, or supporting field trips or activities for students for any purpose of the university. Travel less than 10 miles from campus, such as research and course field trips, which requires the support of institutional resources and therefore a Travel Authorization is also identified as University Travel for the purpose of this policy.

Key Policies Governing University Travel

The following provide links to the policies affecting university travel:

Approvals for university travel require the completion of a Travel Authorization form, and if international travel, also the completion and approval of the International Travel Request.

All University travel forms are available online at

Financial Services Information Regarding University Travel

Frequently asked questions about university travel processes, amounts, timelines, and payment regulations are located at: (CCU login credentials required)

Processes Related to International University Travel

Processes related to international travel can be reviewed at: International Travel Information.   

Frequently Asked Questions

If travel to an off-campus event is required for a class or event/organization, will CCU provide transportation for students?

This depends on the event/activity. If travel off-campus is required as part of a CCU course, the syllabus must clearly designate activities requiring travel away from campus and noting transportation provided to these activities by the University.  Transportation is not required to be provided for events that are frequent or repetitive, such as for internships, practicum, and research activities. Optional activities should designate, at the professor's discretion, whether university transportation provided. Students must be aware of travel required away from campus and how they can get there. Syllabi for courses with off-campus tarvel must include narrative as stated below to support student awareness of liability for using their own or other means of transportation should university transportation be available.  

"Please review the travel activities away from campus required as a part of this course.  If university transportation is provided, students who choose to travel using their own or other means of transportation, are fully responsible for all associated issues or expenses. Consent to participate in activities listed on the syllabus is implicit for students who are and remain enrolled in the course.  Students with health or safety concerns for any course-related travel can request alternative arrangements from their instructor."

Student campus organizations should also in their recruitment/signup/commitment activity provide clear information to potential/participating students so that there is awareness of whether transportation to the respective events is included.  Students should be encouraged to use university-provided transportation to events, if it is being offered.

"Please review the travel activities away from campus required as a part of this program/club/organization. University transportation will (or will not) be provided to the event(s). If university transportation is provided, students who choose to travel using their own or other means of transportation, are fully responsible for all associated issues, liabilities or expenses. Consent to this understanding is implicit for students participate in the program/club travel/activity.  Students with health or safety concerns for any travel are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the organizer."

Do faculty/staff still need to complete/collect the "Personal Vehicle Travel Liability and Insurance Form" from students who are traveling in private vehicles?

No.  This form has been discontinued effective with the adoption to changes in STUD-333 in Fall 2023.  Aside from the notices required above, no further gathering of individual student insurance information is needed. 

What do I need to do when traveling with students?

Please review the three above policies linked above for guidance on required actions. In addition to the regular requirements of developing and getting approved a Travel Authorization, please be sure to add a list of all students, along with their CCU IDs as an attachment to the TA when it is submitted.  For a class group making multiple trips over the course of the semester (or for graduate research over the course of a year), provide the full list of all participants.  Updates can be provided as student groups change/semester course registration changes, etc.  This information should be updated with the respective department's travel processor.  Providing adequate information in advance to students when traveling is important.  Departments such as Athletics, University Belonging and Student Affairs, and Global Engagement have specific pre-departure preparation required of student groups.  Please check with your unit to determine preparation expected for the respective travel to ensure, healthy and safe travelers who are aware of their obligations, expectations, and procedures in advance of travel.

What if someone other than the students in my class/my club or organization want to travel with the group?

As long as the travelers are all current CCU students, faculty, staff, registered volunteers or affiliates, then only an update to the Participant List for the respective Travel Authorization is required to include the respective individual(s), assuming budget support/approvals have been given by the respective budget officer/department.  If travelers outside the list of CCU-affiliated individuals above are considering joining travel with CCU students, then the CCU departmental travel sponsor should provide the potential outside traveler with the form, Field Trip Activity-Release of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue, to complete and return to the travel organizer, who will verify the intended activities/dates, and locations and provide the form to the Office of Risk Management for final review and approvals.  Only upon notification from Risk Management that the traveler is approved to travel with the student group, can they participate in the respective activity.  

If students want to leave early from an activity off-campus, what are my responsibilities as the group organizer/coordinator? 

All groups traveling with students off-campus must have clear communication lines set up for contact with the program coordinator/leader, including a means of notification of when the student is no longer participating in the University activity (deviation).  

Deviation from a CCU-sponsored travel group requires approved notification to the program coordinator/leader indicating the time of their deviation from the group. The type of expected notification should be communicated to the students by the program coordinator/leader and in a style approved by their department (which may be as simple as a goodbye, an email or other notice). In cases in which travel arrangements and/or costs are affected, this form should be completed by any individual as a part of a University-sponsored program who wish to deviate from the established travel dates, times, or locations of their program (“Travel Program”) so that they can be aware of the costs or other obligations they will incur with the deviation.  The Travel Deviation Universal Form has been developed for conditions in which deviation from the University travel may have added cost and/or travel arrangement adjustments for the student and/or sponsoring department, such that understanding of thos costs/obligations are fully understood by the student.

What if I have a group of students who are traveling without a University faculty or staff member?

Protocols for student travel without a University faculty or staff member should include briefings on expected communication and emergency conditions protocols as designated by the Sponsoring Department or Group Advisor.  In addition, student travelers must complete required trainings for any financial actions.  Expenditures for student travel should be prepaid whenever possible.  As students may not hold University Corporate Travel Cards in their names, and as in some cases it may not be possible or practical to pay in advance through other means, Sponsoring Departments may request from Financial Services the opportunity to host a departmental travel card for periodic, non-repetitive travel.  A limited number of such options are available and Financial Services will determine conditions under which this is possible.