Goals and Objectives to Support Each Strategy

Goals and Objectives to Support Each Strategy

Task forces were developed to work on each of the six strategy statements, involving a total of 69 campus community members. Over a seven-week period, these task forces developed and approved a comprehensive set of goals and objectives to deliver on each of the strategy statements. These were reviewed by Executive and President’s Council, subjected to campus community comment, compressed for overlap, and reduced for focus on accomplishment within the time frame of 2016-2021. The final set of goals and objectives are presented below.

Strategy 1. Academic Excellence and Instructional Quality Foster academic excellence through a teacher-scholar model with enhanced and supported effective teaching and scholarly/creative endeavors, expanded learning opportunities, and engagement of all campus community members.

Coastal Carolina University’s first commitment is to deliver excellence in instruction to students through high-impact engagement. Grounded in the teacher-scholar model, the University expects its faculty members to be excellent teachers who are current in their fields and passionate about engaging students actively in the creative, research, and/or scholarly developments of their discipline so that graduates are effective critical thinkers who are well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to their professions, artistry or research. Since its founding, the University has recognized the teacher-scholar model as a fundamental element of this institution’s identity. Faculty conducting research can use that research to become better teachers. Scholars who teach discover new applications and audiences for their discoveries.

Under the teacher-scholar model, faculty are expected to conduct research and seek professional experiences that enrich teaching and learning; faculty are also encouraged to seek opportunities to demonstrate to students that teaching and research can be integrated processes of discovery.

The teacher-scholar model allows for learning to occur and be shared through dissemination of knowledge in discipline-appropriate venues, not only modeling for students the processes by which knowledge is produced, but also inviting students to participate in knowledge production. To that end, Coastal Carolina University is committed to the support, recognition and celebration of the teacher-scholar, and affirms the teacher-scholar model as essential to the success of this academic community. In fulfillment of this commitment, this task force discussed the need to continue to enhance support for effective teaching that promotes active engagement both on and off the campus, the need to support and celebrate research/scholarly/creative endeavors that promote both student preparation and enhances community well-being, the need to support balance within expectations for the composite set of activities expected of faculty and staff, and the need to develop and deliver innovative curricula and programs, both in credit and noncredit areas, which enhance student success. The results of this discussion included the following goals and objectives.

Goal 1.1:

Support and enhance effective teaching that promotes high-impact engagement.

Objective Number 1.1.1.

CCU will develop and implement a more comprehensive system for evaluating teaching effectiveness that includes student evaluations and other inputs.

Responsible Units
College Deans, Faculty Development Committee, Provost

May 2017

Objective Number 1.1.2.

CCU will identify, advance and reward high-quality teaching approaches that effectively engage students and produce measurable impacts that are internally valued and externally visible.

Responsible Units
College Deans, Faculty Development Committee, Provost

Dec. 2017

Objective Number 1.1.3.

CCU will initiate processes and programs to support open and critical discourse grounded in academic freedom to advance student reflective and integrative learning both inside and outside the classroom.

Responsible Units
Big Read Coordinator, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Celebration of Inquiry Coordinator, Deans, HTC Distinguished Teacher- Scholar Program, Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values, Provost, Student Government Association

May 2018

Goal 1.2:

Enhance and celebrate research/scholarly/creative endeavors that contribute to effective student preparation and community engagement.

Objective Number 1.2.1.

CCU will expand the framework of the University assessment review process to identify, support and evaluate student engagement with faculty and staff in research, scholarly and creative activities.

Responsible Units
Provost, University Assessment Committee, University P&T Committee

July 2017

Objective Number 1.2.2.

CCU will promote a dialogue between faculty governance structures and administration to recognize and celebrate the effective integration of research, scholarly and/or creative activities into teaching as a part of the faculty review process.

Responsible Units
College Deans, Faculty Development Committee, Provost

July 2017

Goal 1.3:

Support a balanced faculty model that promotes the teacher- scholar ideal which values the combined impact of outstanding teaching and exposure to research, scholarly and creative activities to enhance student learning and engaged experiences.

Objective Number 1.3.1.

CCU will review expectations of teaching excellence and its assessment, scholarly/creative productivity and service within the context of the CCU mission and teacher-scholar model for all faculty.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Assessment Committee, Executive Committee of Faculty Senate

July 2017

Objective Number 1.3.2.

CCU will identify adjustments, process and resource requirements to support a manageable balance and appropriate recognition in delivering meritorious and notable contributions to multiple areas of teaching, scholarly/creative productivity, and student/community engagement.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Dec. 2018

Goal 1.4:

Promote a range of diverse learning opportunities, innovative curricula and programs that enhance engagement, assure high-impact credit and noncredit programs, and enable student success.

Objective Number 1.4.1.

CCU will better integrate the academic program development process with resource allocation and provide mentoring pathways to successful development and launch of academic programs.

Responsible Units
Executive Committee of Faculty Senate

Dec. 2016

Objective Number 1.4.2.

CCU will develop a more comprehensive process to evaluate and facilitate timely degree completion and student success in all academic programs to enhance the student profile and support quality in the admissions standards.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Assessment Committee

July 2017

Objective Number 1.4.3.

CCU will increase multidisciplinary, experiential and inter- professional programming available in both for-credit and noncredit formats via a broad range of timing and modalities to serve student needs more effectively and build upon the institution’s strong liberal arts foundation.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Academic Outreach, Bridge/CEAL Coordinator, COOL

June 2018

Objective Number 1.4.4.

CCU will implement training to support faculty in assessing learning outcomes across the new core curriculum and identify a strategy to support the development of core curriculum offerings that exhibit innovative approaches to teaching or content.

Responsible Units
CeTEAL, Core Curriculum Committee, Director of Core Curriculum

Aug. 2018

Objective Number 1.4.5.

CCU will support high-quality innovative programs and curricula aligned with student demands, accreditation and standards expectations, regulatory requirements, and supportive professional preparation such that the CCU graduate student FTE population can reach 18 percent of the student population and the CCU undergraduate student FTE population can increase by 5 percent over 2015-2016.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs Committee, Graduate Council, Provost

July 2019


Strategy 2. Student Excellence Promote an educational environment that engages students to develop knowledge, learn and apply skills, and act as responsible, healthy and productive citizens with a global perspective.

Coastal Carolina University is committed to making a substantial value-added contribution to the overall welfare, intellectual development and personal development of each student. The students, staff, faculty and administration of the University recognize that this is best achieved by a partnership of learning, in which the student is held accountable to demonstrating personal responsibility and accountability for learning while empowered by the guidance and expertise of a talented staff and faculty. As such, this task force considered several attributes to student excellence, including knowledge and skills development through active engagement in the totality of the learning environment, the freedom to thrive in an environment that supports safe and healthy behaviors and sustainability, the expectation and respect for personal accountability and responsibility by each student as a partner in the learning process, and the engagement of citizenship behaviors that help all students develop a lifelong appreciation for and action in a global society. The following goals and objectives resulted from that deliberation.

Goal 2.1:

Ensure a supportive, high-quality learning environment that produces knowledgeable and skilled graduates prepared for future success.

Objective Number 2.1.1.

CCU will assess opportunities to improve the student experience and take action to address them on an annual basis.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Dean of Students, Financial Services, Registrar, Institutional Research

Dec. 2016

Objective Number 2.1.2.

CCU will evaluate current and explore new required course experiences that support the transition to the college community as a freshman, provide knowledge of and set appropriate expectations for success in one’s chosen major, and offer support in transitioning to postgraduate goals in senior year.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Career Services, CEAL/Bridge, Deans, QEP

Aug. 2017

Objective Number 2.1.3.

CCU will require all students to participate in one of the following types of experiential learning (for course credit): undergraduate research, internship, service learning, study abroad or special design projects, and the University will explore alternative noncredit experiences to support the experiential learning focus.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Career Services, CEAL/Bridge, Global Initiatives, University College

Aug. 2018

Objective Number 2.1.4.

CCU will identify, develop and recognize an appropriate range of key initiatives to further develop both faculty and staff engagement with students and students’ active engagement in learning communities.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Career Services, Global Initiatives, QEP, Student Government Association, Undergraduate Research, University Housing

Aug. 2018

Objective Number 2.1.5.

CCU will connect programs and services key to timely degree completion and postgraduate preparation to create one service superstructure, co-locate relevant programs and services, ensure coordination with the academic colleges, and enhance staffing as necessary to ensure students receive one-on-one success coaching.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Campus Life and Student Engagement

Aug. 2019

Goal 2.2:

Create a health- and safety-conscious living learning environment.

Objective Number 2.2.1.

CCU will benchmark with peer and aspirant institutions every three years for current staffing levels, services offered and best practices in support of a health- and safety-conscious living learning environment.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Dean of Students, Institutional Research

Dec. 2016

Objective Number 2.2.2.

CCU will engage students in partnerships that support regular physical activity, good nutrition and healthy living.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Department of Health Sciences, Dining Services

Jan. 2018

Objective Number 2.2.3.

CCU will administer inclusive health and safety assessments to identify emerging issues, adjust and develop appropriate initiatives to address these issues, and report on progress on an annual basis.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Compliance, Facilities Management, Public Safety, Risk Management

May 2018

Goal 2.3:

Support an environment in which students demonstrate personal integrity and have opportunities to practice personal and civic responsibility.

Objective Number 2.3.1.

CCU will adopt a University statement of personal accountability and embed training into Orientation and other course experiences.

Responsible Units
Academic Integrity Office, Dean of Students, Student Government Association

Jan. 2017

Objective Number 2.3.2.

CCU will integrate personal goal exploration, skill self-assessment, self-reflection and civic engagement into the freshman transition and other course experiences to enhance student success.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Career Services, Dean of Students, University College

Aug. 2018

Goal 2.4:

Advance curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities that raise student and campus awareness of global citizenship and empower action in the broader community.

Objective Number 2.4.1.

CCU will define the desired attributes of a global citizen through an engaged campus dialogue to identify a framework of campus engagements to support enhanced citizenship behaviors.

Responsible Units
Academic Affairs, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Dean of Students, Global Initiatives, Sustainability Coordinator

Jan. 2017

Objective Number 2.4.2.

CCU will assess campuswide programming and strengthen connections between curricular and co-curricular areas to cultivate action in a global context.

Responsible Units
Global Initiatives

Aug. 2017

Objective Number 2.4.3.

CCU will expand curricular partnerships abroad, global initiatives and modalities employed to reach at least 40 percent of the degree programs on campus.

Responsible Units
Global Initiatives

Aug. 2018

Objective Number 2.4.4.

CCU will double student participation in CCU-affiliated study abroad, internship abroad and service learning abroad experiences.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Global Initiatives

Jan. 2019

Objective Number 2.4.5.

CCU will increase international student enrollment to a minimum of 3 percent of the CCU student population.

Responsible Units
Global Initiatives

Jan. 2019

Objective Number 2.4.6.

CCU will increase international visiting scholar participation in teaching and scholarly/creative endeavors on CCU’s campus by 100 percent with a focus on innovative models of campus engagement.

Responsible Units
Global Initiatives

Jan. 2019


Strategy 3. An Engaged Staff and Faculty Foster a community of engaged and qualified staff and faculty by providing them with resources, opportunities for professional development, recognition of their contributions and successes, and personal enrichment.

The staff and faculty of Coastal Carolina University are the lifeblood of the University. They comprise the expertise, professionalism, commitment to personal attention and positive attitude that makes it possible for the University to thrive. This task force carefully considered the conditions and focal areas needed to help support our staff and faculty, especially during the growth period envisioned for the University. Attention was given to bringing together institutional focus on professional development for all staff and faculty, recognizing and celebrating the achievements and contributions of our staff and faculty on the campus and in the community, arriving at clear staffing plans and salary progression to support high engagement for all staff and faculty, and engaging broader cross-collaborative community problem-solving opportunities and improved campus communication to enhance transparency and inclusion, support a more deeply felt mutual respect for the roles of all to make the University great, and encourage better use of staff and faculty time and institutional resources. The following goals and objectives resulted from that deliberation.

Goal 3.1:

Advance a process to define professional development within each division and create appropriate training and support for all staff and faculty to meet these outcomes.

Objective Number 3.1.1.

CCU will obtain consistent feedback from faculty and staff about the sessions/training that are desired for professional development enhancement.

Responsible Units
CeTEAL, Training and Development

2017 and annually thereafter

Objective Number 3.1.2.

CCU will explore the benefit, feasibility and desirability of implementing a mentoring program for all staff and faculty members as they are starting a new job as a part of a complete professional development activity.

Responsible Units
CeTEAL, Deans, Human Resources, Staff Advisory Council, Training and Development

June 2017

Objective Number 3.1.3.

CCU will develop a webpage to promote and advertise professional development available on campus in one place.

Responsible Units
CeTEAL, Training and Development

June 2017

Objective Number 3.1.4.

CCU will review existing opportunities for meaningful community building among staff and faculty and develop groups to foster discussion and problem solving and promote a community of togetherness when tackling issues that staff and faculty members face to promote effective cooperation and mutual trust.

Responsible Units
CeTEAL, Human Resources, Training and Development

June 2017

Objective Number 3.1.5.

CCU will advance a campuswide approach to professional development.

Responsible Units
CeTEAL, Training and Development


Objective Number 3.1.6.

CCU will refine its process to support professional development and institute a reward program that recognizes achievement in professional development that benefits the University’s mission.

Responsible Units
CeTEAL, Deans, Human Resources, Staff Advisory Council, Training and Development


Goal 3.2:

Embrace an unwavering institutional commitment to foster and celebrate the personal enrichment and campus and community engagement of CCU staff and faculty.

Objective Number 3.2.1.

CCU will ensure ongoing training and reporting to support a safe campus community.

Responsible Units
Compliance, Environmental Health and Safety, ITS, Public Safety

Dec. 2016 and annually thereafter

Objective Number 3.2.2.

CCU will adopt a Communication Excellence Standing Committee that includes representation from faculty, staff, students, University community, athletics and alumni to provide input to the communication effort on an annual basis, to develop targets for improvement, and to advance needed resources to support the effort on a continuing basis.

Responsible Units
Executive Committee

Dec. 2017

Objective Number 3.2.3.

CCU will have implemented recognition programs with specific criteria and supporting events for faculty and staff contributions both on campus and in the surrounding community.

Responsible Units
Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Staff Advisory Council, Training and Development

June 2018

Objective Number 3.2.4.

CCU will advance through faculty and staff governance mechanisms practices that support the mental and physical well-being of all University staff and faculty.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Campus Recreation, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Staff Advisory Council, Student Health Services, Training and Development

Dec. 2018

Goal 3.3:

Develop and implement a comprehensive long-term institutional staffing plan for the University and fair and reasonable salary management for all staff and faculty within the context of quality program delivery and planned University growth.

Objective Number 3.3.1.

CCU will review and adjust the hiring process to ensure greater efficiency.

Responsible Units
Human Resources, President’s Council

Jan. 2017

Objective Number 3.3.2.

CCU will annually audit the current student employment and graduate assistant employment conditions and commitments to ensure effectiveness of purpose, equity in involvement, diversity in access and competitive market salary rates.

Responsible Units
Chief Financial Officer, Human Resources

Feb. 2017

Objective Number 3.3.3.

CCU will complete a comprehensive assessment of existing and projected staffing/resource support shortfall areas (coverage, diversity, succession planning, etc.) for staff and faculty positions to prioritize areas for attention supporting the University’s mission and sharing the outcomes with the campus community.

Responsible Units
President’s Council

July 2018

Objective Number 3.3.4.

CCU will advance a cooperative conversation between staff and faculty governance groups and University administration to amend the performance appraisal process for all positions, including a way to identify within all employee reviews a mechanism that allows for feedback and support of professional growth and enables merit recognition for exceptional service to the institution.

Responsible Units
Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, President’s Council, Staff Advisory Council

July 2018

Objective Number 3.3.5.

CCU will have audited and revised its salary and benefits structure for all employees to address consideration of performance appraisal, cost of living, merit, and compression and/or progression in pay band.

Responsible Units
Human Resources, President’s Council

Aug. 2020

Goal 3.4:

Improve internal communication within the institution to promote greater inclusion in decision-making, accountability at all levels, and more effective implementation of all systems and policies.

Objective Number 3.4.1.

CCU will implement a process for key program and process redesign that invites departments affected and front-line implementers to comment whenever possible before adoption is made of any new policy or process such that the outcome supports the effective and efficient use of staff and faculty time and University resources.

Responsible Units
Executive Council

June 2017

Strategy 4. Accessibility, Inclusion, Diversity
Engage students, faculty, staff and the greater community in a partnership of learning grounded in the liberal arts, based on respect for diversity and inclusion.

Embracing the values of truth, respect, integrity and excellence, Coastal Carolina University aspires to be an institution noted for its active commitment to catalyzing the engagement of all constituent groups to understand the world more fully and to make better decisions. Grounded in the liberal arts tradition, Coastal Carolina University seeks to create informed thinkers who can solve problems in an increasingly diverse and interdependent world. This aspiration means that the University will commit to developing an institutional environment that is absent of arbitrary barriers that limit access to students, faculty, staff and community members and to encouraging inclusivity as a standard of practice that empowers deeper and more expansive thinking, promotes action beyond understanding, and engages advocacy when that is the right thing to do. The following goals and objectives resulted from the deliberations of this task force.

Goal 4.1:

Foster a barrier-free environment that increases access to and effective navigation of institutional opportunities and is informed by a commitment to equitable standards of practice.

Objective Number 4.1.1.

CCU will identify physical and operational barriers that impede access for constituents through the establishment of a representative accessibility committee that will make recommendations to the appropriate vice president for action with annual reporting of progress.

Responsible Units
Accessibility Committee, COOL, Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, Facilities, Human Resources, ITS, President’s Council, Public Safety, Staff Advisory Council, Student Government Association

Oct. 2016

Objective Number 4.1.2.

CCU will appoint an individual who is responsible for maintaining the visibility of physical and operational access to campus resources in the strategic planning and resource allocation processes and for coordination of appropriate action to support this access.

Responsible Units
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Coordinator for Accessibility and Disabilities

May 2017

Objective Number 4.1.3.

CCU will complete and report the results of a campus learning climate survey that measures student, faculty and staff perceptions about accessibility and effectiveness of teaching and learning environment, support and engagement, student life, and infrastructure.

Responsible Units
Executive Council

June 2017 and biannually thereafter

Objective Number 4.1.4.

CCU will assess, enhance and promote initiatives that support effective access to campus programs and processes for all constituents with a focus on underrepresented groups.

Responsible Units
Academic Outreach, Admissions, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Student Government Association

June 2018

Objective Number 4.1.5.

CCU will enhance recruitment and retention of students from underrepresented groups by expanding relationships with school districts, civic organizations and other entities.

Responsible Units
Academic Outreach, Admissions, Graduate Council, Retention Committee, Student Government Association

June 2018

Goal 4.2:

Cultivate a campus culture that catalyzes interaction among diverse constituents of the University and engages the many facets of human experience.

Objective Number 4.2.1.

CCU will hire a chief diversity and inclusion officer and develop a Diversity Council that advances a campuswide Diversity and Inclusion Plan to assess visible and invisible barriers and establish a system to enable the University to operate as an inclusive institution.

Responsible Units
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Diversity Council, Office of Multicultural Student Services, President’s Council

Dec. 2017

Objective Number 4.2.2.

CCU will ensure the advancement of academic, student life, and faculty and staff programming and services that engage the campus and community in dialogue about the broader context of identity development, access, equity, social justice and inclusion and provide opportunities for meaningful action.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Center for Social Justice, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, Human Resources, Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values, Office of Multicultural Student Services, Women and Gender Studies

May 2018

Objective Number 4.2.3.

CCU will re-evaluate and adjust, as appropriate, its current staffing practices to attract and retain staff and faculty who are both well qualified in their disciplines and reflective of the University’s student populations they serve while supporting exposure to a global society.

Responsible Units
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Human Resources, Office of Multicultural Student Services

Dec. 2018

Strategy 5. The CCU Story
Effectively communicate the goals, successes, contributions and needs of our University, students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Coastal Carolina University’s future is dependent upon the ability to communicate effectively, both within the institution and with all the University’s constituencies on a dynamic basis. The University’s story must become clear both as a basis for common understanding, mutual respect and appreciation among peers within the University and as an unequivocal identity for the institution in all venues. This task force reviewed feedback from a broad range of constituents and evaluated current practices to arrive at a set of goals and objectives that challenge the University to re-evaluate and adjust interaction to enhance cooperation and mutual respect, support transparency and advance efficiency, to embrace and enact a clear identity in all internal and external communication that captures the value of a Coastal Carolina University education, and to collect and celebrate more effectively the accomplishments of the University’s students, faculty, staff and alumni. The following goals and objectives resulted from that deliberation.

Goal 5.1:

Clarify and promote a strong identity for CCU as a unique higher education choice through emphasis on academic quality, personal attention and engagement.

Objective Number 5.1.1.

CCU will engage in a comprehensive and inclusive process to arrive at clear points of agreement across the institution about the University’s identity, highlighting the qualities that set it apart from other higher education institutions.

Responsible Units
Executive Council, University Communication

May 2017

Objective Number 5.1.2.

CCU will embed this identity in all interactions with and across all constituencies.

Responsible Units
Executive Council, Philanthropy, University Communication

Dec. 2017

Objective Number 5.1.3.

CCU will refine current procedures, protocols, publicity initiatives and assessment systems to support the reframed identity.

Responsible Units
Executive Council

May 2018

Goal 5.2:

Create and implement a dynamic process to identify and communicate internally and externally the accomplishments and contributions of the University’s students, faculty, staff, alumni and partnerships.

Objective Number 5.2.1.

CCU will develop a repository for communicating accomplishments by students, faculty, staff, alumni and community via existing institutional infrastructure.

Responsible Units
ITS, University Assessment Committee, University Communication

Dec. 2016

Objective Number 5.2.2.

CCU will develop a program and process for submitting and communicating accomplishments of students, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners by implementing the Recognition of Contribution (CCU ROCks) project.

Responsible Units
Alumni Relations, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Human Resources, Provost’s Office, Staff Advisory Council, Student Government Association Executive Team, University Communication

June 2017

Objective Number 5.2.3.

CCU will develop and implement a community communication plan for greater awareness of, outreach to partner with, and enhanced participation in campus events and external engagements, including cultural and intellectual offerings, athletic events, student sharing events, speakers, etc.

Responsible Units
Academic Outreach, Athletics, Deans, ITS, Philanthropy, University Communication

Dec. 2017

Goal 5.3:

Improve the campus communication climate to support the University’s values, inclusivity, enhanced transparency, understanding and mutual respect.

Objective Number 5.3.1.

CCU will complete a comprehensive communication climate survey with staff, faculty, students and administration to determine strengths and weaknesses and priorities for information sharing.

Responsible Units
President’s Council

Dec. 2016

Objective Number 5.3.2.

CCU will develop an intranet that enables a sharing of best practices, and compilation via links of all current and archived agendas, minutes, notes and presentations made by committees, boards, etc., on campus to serve as a one-stop archival location for University staff and faculty to seek out clear and accurate reporting on campus activities and decisions, and dissemination of critical and operational information while providing the opportunity for feedback and questions.

Responsible Units
Executive Council, ITS, University Communication

Jan. 2017

Objective Number 5.3.3.

CCU will develop a staff/faculty/student working group for campus communication that identifies and targets ongoing areas of campus communication training and practices to support civil discourse and respectful appreciation of the contribution and commitment of all campus units and best- practice modeling.

Responsible Units
Campus Life and Student Engagement, Executive Committee of Faculty Senate, Staff Advisory Council, University Communication

April 2017

Objective Number 5.3.4.

CCU will share in public forum with all staff and faculty the key outcomes of the internal communication audit and a plan of action based on those outcomes.

Responsible Units
President, University Communication

Aug. 2017

Objective Number 5.3.5.

CCU will revise the current Staff Advisory Council charge to include a broader strategic advocacy role for staff communication and working environment matters.

Responsible Units
President’s Council

Dec. 2017

Objective Number 5.3.6.

CCU will complete e-document process conversion for relevant processes within the institution and review annually thereafter accountability metrics (time to completion, frustration points shared) for performance revision and education with staff and faculty.

Responsible Units
ITS, Technology Council, Executive Council

Dec. 2019

Strategy 6. Financial Stability and Infrastructure
Support University excellence by ensuring appropriate resources and infrastructure for its long-term viability with a strong focus on fiscal accountability, transparency, planning, fundraising and innovative outreach activities.

Managing University resources in a fiscally sustainable and transparent manner is crucial to the success of Coastal Carolina University. This task force evaluated the current institutional models of funding, support and coordination, and identified process improvements in several areas that can support the growth, maintenance and resiliency of Coastal Carolina University over the long run as it enacts its mission. To this end, attention was given to generating innovative streams of revenue, evaluating systems and processes to enhance efficiencies where possible, engaging the campus community more extensively in infrastructure processes, and ensuring a more transparent sharing of the complex interplay among resources, including state funds, tuition, grants, athletics, etc., and cost management areas. The following goals and objectives resulted from that deliberation.

Goal 6.1:

Expand the range of innovative revenue streams and fundraising development to increase the institution’s endowment and support for ongoing and new programming initiatives in fulfillment of the University’s mission and teacher-scholar model.

Objective Number 6.1.1.

CCU will identify, report and celebrate the development of innovative revenue streams with the goal of more fiscally sustainable programs.

Responsible Units
Academic Outreach, Center Directors, Chief Financial Officer, Deans, Philanthropy

July 2017 and annually thereafter

Objective Number 6.1.2.

CCU will have realized a significant new resource development benefit from the Sun Belt FBS move.

Responsible Units
University Athletics, Chief Financial Officer

June 2018

Objective Number 6.1.3.

CCU will broaden the range and number of grant applications to increase revenue support of program activities across the University.

Responsible Units
Centers, Deans, Grants and Sponsored Programs

July 2019

Objective Number 6.1.4.

CCU will increase its endowment by a minimum of $20,000,000.

Responsible Units
Coastal Educational Foundation, Chanticleer Athletic Foundation, Philanthropy


Goal 6.2:

Support streamlined processes that encourage efficient stewardship of the institutional resources and effective progress on institutional initiatives.

Objective Number 6.2.1.

CCU will implement an aligned model of planning, budgeting and assessment that enables more timely continuous improvement activities.

Responsible Units
Assessment Committee, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services, Institutional Research, ITS

June 2017

Objective Number 6.2.2.

CCU will formalize a decision-making structure that supports the review of current and proposed institutional initiatives, processes and policies, engages those involved in implementation, and establishes resource availability to address optimization, accountability and risk management.

Responsible Units
President’s Council

June 2018

Objective Number 6.2.3.

CCU will institute recognition programs that incentivize financial prudence in the enacting of institutional initiatives.

Responsible Units
Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services

Dec. 2018

Goal 6.3:

Advance and share formal planning models that project future growth targets and allocate appropriate infrastructure to support the mission of the University.

Objective Number 6.3.1.

CCU will develop and share with the campus community a clear enrollment planning, staffing support, athletic funding, and new and continuing major growth model.

Responsible Units
Admissions, Athletics, Chief Financial Officer, Deans, Financial Services, Graduate Council, Human Resources

2016-2017 and annually thereafter

Objective Number 6.3.2.

CCU will develop and share with the campus community an integrated Master Plan and Capital Improvement and Facilities Maintenance Plan that supports a clear match of infrastructure to institutional planning efforts and initiatives that support its mission.

Responsible Units
Chief Financial Officer, Facilities, ITS, President’s Council, Provost

2016-2017 and annually thereafter

Objective Number 6.3.3.

CCU will ensure sustainable, strategic and prioritized investment in technology to support advancement and effective delivery of instruction, research activities, information repositories, information flow and processes within the institution.

Responsible Units
COOL, Executive Council, ITS, Technology Council

2016-2017 and annually thereafter