Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Steering Committee

In early Fall 2015, a Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) was developed with the goal of overseeing and shepherding this process so that it would become one of focus, inclusion and excellence.

Included in the Strategic Planning Steering Committee were constituency groups that represented both the University’s internal and external stakeholder groups to ensure that deliberations were reflective of the concerns and visions of these groups and understandable to all to enhance implementation. Darla Domke-Damonte, Ph.D., associate provost for global initiatives, who coordinated the strategic planning effort in 2007-2008, was appointed to chair the committee, and Christine Mee, executive director of planning and research, was appointed to serve as associate chair. Members of the SPSC are shown in Appendix A.

The SPSC worked through a multiphase process to:

  1. Review current and future trending issues in higher education in the region, state, nation and world and their potential impact on Coastal Carolina University;
  2. Evaluate current practices and standing of the University related to peers and aspirants on multiple measures of success to identify key strengths and weaknesses and areas for most critical attention in the future;
  3. Develop a risk-assessment framework of the most critical threats and opportunities for the institution that evaluated 180 specific examples of potential risk likelihood and potential impact;
  4. Develop key strategies for institutional focus for the 2016-2021 time period;
  5. Review, evaluate, and integrate goals and objectives developed through focal task forces related to each strategy into a comprehensive set of action planning; and
  6. Evaluate and identify a way to bring together more seamlessly the annual planning, budgeting and reporting practices of the institution to facilitate achievement of the strategies embraced as well as improved operational practice and resource stewardship.