University Peer Leader Program

Piper has always made sure that the students knew she was there for everything. It’s good to know that someone is forming relationships with us to help. 

Transitioning to college is hard! Research has shown that students' experiences during their first year significantly affect their success in college. Coastal Carolina University established the First-Year Experience course (UNIV 110) to address the critical needs of first-year students.

What are some of those needs?

  • Developing intellectual and academic competence.
  • Establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships.
  • Exploring identity development.
  • Deciding on a career.
  • Maintaining health and wellness.
  • Considering faith and spiritual dimensions of life.
  • Developing multicultural awareness.
  • Developing civic responsibility.

While the course provides our students the tools they need to succeed, research and our experience has shown that students, especially first-years, are far more likely to listen to and take guidance from peers than from instructors. That is why we created the University Peer Leader Program. Peer leaders assist students in their academic, social, and personal transition both in and out of the classroom.

As a result of having a peer leader in the classroom, first-year students will:

  • Develop a mentor/mentee relationship with an upperclassmen.
  • Learn about campus resources and engagement opportunities.
  • Build a connection with the Coastal community and establish their sense of belonging.
  • Make a successful transition to and through their first year at Coastal.

She is very relatable and I can easily hold a conversation with her. I enjoyed being able to talk with someone who is older than me but has the same major so I can be more aware as to what is to come.