Academic Affairs Committee

The Academic Affairs Committee considers and recommends to the Faculty Senate actions on requests for additions, deletions or changes in undergraduate courses or programs.

The Academic Affairs Committee also considers and notifies the Faculty Senate of minor changes in courses, such as course titles, descriptions, or credit hours. While these minor changes do not require Faculty Senate approval, they are submitted for notification. When considering additions, deletions or changes to courses, special attention will be given to avoiding duplication or obsolescence. The Academic Affairs Committee will also evaluate educational policies, admission standards and new programs of instruction.


The Academic Affairs Committee comprises between nine and 11 faculty members (two elected from each college, one of whom must be a tenured faculty member, and one elected from the Library); two students (non-voting); and three ex officio designees from the offices of the provost, admissions and the registrar. The chair is elected from among the tenured voting elected representatives who have served for at least two years.

Service on this committee may entail significant time commitments such as summer meetings or meetings scheduled with short notice.

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