Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum


MISSION: The purpose of the Core Curriculum is to provide an educational experience in the liberal arts tradition that encourages and supports free inquiry, critical thinking, effective communication, and creativity. Persons educated in the liberal arts will have the opportunity to explore and cultivate an understanding of the multiple aspects of human culture and the natural world.

Upon successful completion of the core, students will develop the skills necessary to think clearly and logically, to gather and analyze information, and to express themselves effectively. As well rounded individuals, our students will possess the qualities to excel in their chosen fields of study and to live conscientious, responsible lives.


The Core Curriculum is designed to prepare students for a thoughtful and productive life by exposing them to the methods of inquiry and practice of the humanities, the sciences, and the arts. The core curriculum provides an educational foundation in the liberal arts tradition that promotes inquiry, creativity, and critical thinking. The core curriculum is divided into two areas:

  • Core Skills
  • Core Concepts

The current core curriculum was implemented in the 2017-2018 academic catalog.

Core Skills (19-21 credit hours) Core Concepts (19 credit hours)

IA (A) Critical Thinking and Reasoning (3)

IB (B) Critical Reading, Writing, and Information Literacy (8)

IC (C) Communication Across Cultures (5-6)

ID (D) Quantitative Literacy (3-4)

IIA (E) Scientific Concepts (4)

IIB (F) Human and Social Behavior (6) 

IIC (G) Humanistic Thought (6)

IID (H) Artistic Expression (3)

Questions about the Core Curriculum can be directed to the Director of the Core Curriculum. The Director guides all aspects of the Core Curriculum. In conjunction with the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Analysis (IRAA) and the Core Curriculum Committee (Faculty Senate Committee), the director is responsible for ensuring effective ongoing development, implementation and assessment of the core curriculum. The director provides core support:

  1. Collaborate: work with academic units to strategize about the core and offer courses for the Core Curriculum.
  2. Organize: ensure smooth implementation of the Core Curriculum through continuous review.
  3. Report: assess the goals and student learning outcomes of skills and concept and communicate findings and provide recommendations to the University-wide Assessment Committee. 
  4. Engage: work with the campus community to understand needs and address concerns regarding the Core Curriculum and provide assistance with the Core Petitions processes.

The Core Curriculum Committee oversees and makes recommendations regarding all aspects of the core curriculum, including implementation, modification, and assessment. The committee’s recommendations regarding modifications to core curriculum requirements are forwarded to the Academic Affairs Committee for approval prior to requesting senate action. The committee reviews and makes recommendations on all student petitions regarding the core curriculum.