John David Carr ( added 1/24/2020) JPEG MCD

John David Carr

Teaching Associate, Anthropology and Geography

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Carr is the Geospatial Analyst for Horry County Stormwater Management. He has been with the County since 2014, and began teaching Digital Earth at CCU in 2019. Carr has lead data collection efforts from Arkansas to the Carolinas to improve techniques for deriving stream networks from light detection and ranging data.


Ph.D., Forestry and Environmental Resources - Interdisciplinary, North Carolina State University
M.N.R., Natural Resources - Spatial Information Systems, North Carolina State University
B.S., Natural Resources - Ecosystems Assessment, North Carolina State University

Interesting Facts

Certified Geographic Information Systems Professional (GISP) #57130. GIS Certification Institute, Des Plaines, IL. 2013.

 Forestry Faculty Fellowship for Excellence in Graduate Education. North Carolina Forestry Foundation, Inc., and Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 2005 - 2006.

University Outstanding Teaching Assistant. University Graduate Student Association, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 2003.

Teaching Areas

Geospatial Tools and Technologies

Research Areas

Natural hazard mapping and mitigation, human-environment interactions in the rural-urban interface, multispectral image processing and analysis, water quality and quantity, low impact development techniques, and urban ecosystem services and sustainability