Alex Fegely

Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Instructional Technology

Phone: 843-349-5011 Email: Office Hours:


Dr. Fegely earned his B.S.Ed. from Temple University in Secondary Education - Social Studies and History (double major), his M.Ed. in Learning and Teaching - Instructional Technology and Ed.S. in Instructional Technology from Coastal Carolina University, and his Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Educational Technology from the University of South Carolina. He previously taught high school digital media and social studies in Myrtle Beach, SC. Dr. Fegely is a co-chair of the X Realities and Learning SIG for the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). His research focuses on computer science, robotics, XR, and emerging technologies in preservice teacher education. Outside of work, he enjoys running, lifting weights, building furniture, and spending time at the beach with his wife and son.

Courses Taught

  • EDIT 780 Seminar in Instructional Technology
  • EDIT 760 Instructional Technology Leadership
  • EDIT 704 Technology in Curricula
  • EDIT 680 Special Topics in Instructional Technology Curricula
  • EDIT 660 Advanced Online Teaching 
  • EDIT 650 Teaching & Learning Online 
  • EDIT 610 Instructional Design & Technology Integration
  • EDIT 604 Teaching with Technology 
  • EDUC 304 Contemporary Instructional Technologies
  • EDUC 204 Computer Technology & Instructional Media 

Selected Journal Articles

Fegely, A., Gleasman, C.L., & Kolski, T. (2023). Evaluating educational robotics as a maker learning tool for pre-service teacher computer science instruction. Educational Technology Research & Development.

Cherner, T., Fegely, A., Hou, C., & Halpin, P. (2023). AI-powered platforms for improving public speaking skills: Takeaways and suggestions for improvement. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 34(2), 339-367.

Fegely, A., Winslow, J., Lee, C., & Setari, A.P. (2023). EdTech Align: A valid and reliable instrument for measuring teachers’ edtech competencies aligned to professional standards. TechTrends

Fegely, A., & Tang, H. (2022). Learning programming through robots: The effects of educational robotics on pre-service teachers’ programming comprehension and motivation. Educational Technology Research and Development, 70(5).

Fegely, A., Winslow, J., Lee, C., & Rubbo, L.J. (2021). The effects of robotics professional development on science and mathematics teaching performance and student achievement in underserved middle schools. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 21(4), 655-679.

Fegely, A., & Cherner, T. (2021). A comprehensive rubric for evaluating eduVR. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 20, 137-171.

Selected Books

Fegely, A., & Cherner, T. (Eds.). (2023). Bridging the XR technology-to-practice gap: Methods and strategies for blending extended realities into classroom instruction (Vol. 2). Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Cherner, T., & Fegely, A. (Eds.). (2023). Bridging the XR technology-to-practice gap: Methods and strategies for blending extended realities into classroom instruction (Vol. 1). Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). 

Selected Conference Presentations

Fegely, A., Gleasman, C.L., & Kolski, T. (2024, April). Preparing core subject area preservice teachers to integrate computer science with robots. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA 2024), Philadelphia, PA.

Fegely, A., Winslow, J., & Lee, C.-Y., & Setari, A. P. (2023, October). The construction of a valid and reliable standards-aligned instrument for the measurement of teachers’ edtech competencies: Introducing EdTech Align. Concurrent session presented at Association of Educational Communications & Technology International Conference (AECT 2023), Orlando, FL.

Fegely, A., & Cherner, T. (2023, March). Bridging the XR technology-to-practice gap: Implications for teacher education. Symposium presented at Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference (SITE 2023), New Orleans, LA.

Kong, X., Fegely, A., De Backer, W., Gray, M., Hitt, G., & Kerns, R. (2022, June). Developing an interactive, immersive, 360-degree virtual media for enhancing student learning in additive manufacturing. Work-in-progress paper presented at American Society for Engineering Education Conference (ASEE 2022), Minneapolis, MN.

Fegely, A., & Tang, H. (2021, April). The effects of educational robotics on preservice teachers’ programming comprehension and motivation. American Educational Research Association International Conference (AERA 2021), virtual.

Fegely, A., Tang, H., Ari, F., & Vasconcelos, L. (2020, November). Preservice teachers’ motivation towards programming. Concurrent session presented at Association of Educational Communications & Technology International Conference (AECT 2020), Jacksonville, FL.

Selected Honors & Recognition

Outstanding Scholarship Award - Spadoni College of Education & Social Sciences (2023)

AECT Early Career Symposium Selected Participant (2022)

Professor of the Year in Education Award - Spadoni College of Education & Social Sciences (2022)

AERA Instructional Technology SIG Top 5 Best Paper (2021)

AERA Instructional Technology SIG Top 5 Best Graduate Student Paper (2021)