Cheng-Yuan (Corey) Lee

Cheng-Yuan (Corey) Lee

Professor, Instructional Technology

Phone: 843-349-2780 Email: Office Hours:

Office: Tuesday and Wednesday: 11:00AM - 2:00PM


Dr. Lee earned an M.S. degree in Instructional Technology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1999 and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Instructional System Design from the University of Central Florida. Since 2010, he has taught at Coastal Carolina University. Throughout his career in teaching, he developed strong interests in the areas of distance education, mobile learning, interactive multimedia, and graphic/website design. In his classes, he introduces a wide range of software applications and open-source packages to students, allowing them to master computer-based tools used in the design and creation of electronic media, such as electronic images, sounds, videos, text, and motion. 

Dr. Lee also leads a research-based project (eLearnReady - eLearnReady is a free, web-based tool designed to analyze students’ preparedness for online learning. After students complete the survey, eLearnReady analyzes their responses to identify their strengths and areas for improvement for online learning. The survey results are then provided to students as a comprehensive report, complete with study tips and videos that demonstrate methods for being a successful online learner. Given its usefulness and ease of use, to date, over 94,000 students have completed the eLearnReady survey across multiple states since eLearnReady was first introduced at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate in April 2017. Some institutions of higher education have embedded eLearnReady into college and transfer student orientation sessions, freshman seminar classes, and other online courses to support students.

You can find his professional website at


Courses Taught:

  • EDUC 204: Computer Technology and Instructional Media (3)
  • EDIT 604: Teaching with Technology (3)
  • EDIT 610: Instructional Design and Technology Integration (3)
  • EDIT 650: Teaching and Learning Online (3)
  • EDIT 660: Advanced Online Teaching (3)
  • EDIT 670: Educational Games and Simulations (3)
  • EDIT 710: Instructional Technology Tools (3)
  • EDIT 720: Psychology of Instructional Technology (3)
  • EDIT 744: Graphic Design for Instruction (3)