
Nicole Uphold

Singleton Endowed Professor; Coordinator, Special Education

Phone: 843-349-2610 Email: nuphold@coastal.edu Office Hours:



Dr. Uphold received her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. Uphold taught high school students with severe disabilities in North Carolina, delivering community-based and academic instruction. She also worked as a certified rehabilitation counselor, assisting students with disabilities to develop and implement plans for employment. Prior to coming to Coastal Carolina, she was a faculty member at Illinois State University where she taught undergraduate and graduate courses focused on educating students with severe disabilities and transition planning. Dr. Uphold was named Singleton Endowed Professor in 2022.

Dr. Uphold’s interests focus on preparing students with disabilities to reach their employment, education, and independent living postschool goals. Specifically, her research focuses on teaching self-determination skills to students. Dr. Uphold conducted several research studies teaching students to self-manage through tasks and activities by using readily-available technology such as iPods and iPads. In addition, Dr. Uphold has worked with graduate students to implement research to determine the effectiveness of instruction on students’ abilities to participate in their educational planning meetings and request their accommodations.