Christina Selby

Headshot of Dr. Chrissy Selby

Christina Selby, Ph.D.

Incoming Department Chair | Professor - Communication, Media, & Culture

Phone: 843-349-2954 Email: BRTH 312 (Clay D. Brittain, Jr. Hall) Office Hours:

Fall 2024 TBA


Dr. Selby spent most of her upbringing in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana – a true Midwesterner at heart. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Communication from the University of Dayton in Ohio. A family health crisis inspired her pursuit of a doctorate in Health Communication from the University of Kentucky. This event continues to inspire her teaching and research in the field. Her recent research has focused on: parent/children communication about nutrition and health, health campaign message design and evaluation, and the promotion of positive health behaviors among at-risk populations. She lives with her husband Easton and three children: Wyatt, Ella, and Mollie.


  • Ph.D., Health Communication, University of Kentucky (2009)
  • M.A., Communication, University of Dayton (2003)
  • B.A., Communication, University of Dayton (2001)


  • 2022-2023 Department's Chair Award for Service
  • 2022-2023 Professional Enhancement Grant

Selected Publications

  • Selby, C. N., & Bergstrom, A.M. (in press). Candy bars, canned fruit, and carbonated beverages: Factors contributing to poor food choices among children in US schools. In W.E. Hills (Ed.) Children’s issues in the socio-cultural environment: Russia and the USA. Moscow, Russia: Russian State Social University Press.
  • Bergstrom, A., Dalelio, C., & Selby, C. (in press). Children’s use of educational technology. In W.E. Hills (Ed.) Children’s issues in the socio-cultural environment: Russia and the USA. Moscow, Russia: Russian State Social University Press.
    Selby, C. N., Dalelio, C., & Bergstrom, A.M. (2021). Mealtime power play: Parenting and communicative influences on children’s nutrition and health. Northwest Journal of Communication, 49(1), 93-126.
  • Dalelio, C., Selby, C., & Barker, G. (2017). Listening for learning: Using focus groups to assess students’ knowledge. In F. Reisman & S. DiPietro (Eds.) Drexel University Conference Proceedings Book, 1(1), 3-13.
  • Anderson, C. N., Holody, K. J., Flynn, M. A., & Hussa-Farrell, R. (2017). An exploratory evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of the Mental Fitness disordered eating program in schools. Eating Disorders, 25(3), 230-245.
  • Holody, K. J., Anderson, C. N., Craig, C. M., & Flynn, M. A. (2016). “Drunk in love:" The portrayal of risk behavior in music lyrics. Journal of Health Communication, 21(10), 1098-1106.
  • Flynn, M. A., Craig, C. M., Anderson, C. N., & Holody, K. J. (2016). “Look at me now”: The presence of objectification and beauty ideals in popular music lyrics. Sex Roles, 75, 164-176.
  • Blau, N. D., & Anderson, C. N. (2016). Understanding unhealthy life transitions: Relationships between perceived bullying and tobacco use, binge drinking, and marijuana use. 2016 AURCO Journal, 33-52.
  • Anderson, C. N., Holody, K. J., & Fondren, W. (2015). Social support for ongoing elder healthcare. In Hills, W. E. (Ed.), Gerontology and older adult issues: Russian and the USA, a cross-cultural analysis. Moscow, Russia: Russian State Social University Press.
  • Fondren, W., Dalelio, C. M., & Anderson, C. N. (2015) Psychological and communicological factors in elder adoption of information technologies. In Hills, W. E. (Ed.), Gerontology and older adult issues: Russian and the USA, a cross-cultural analysis. Moscow, Russia: Russian State Social University Press. 
  • Anderson, C. N., & Holody, K. J. (2014). Stimulating dialogue: Measuring success of the "Smoke Free Horry" campaign. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 34(4), 331-349.
  • Anderson, C. N., Noar, S. M., & Rogers, B. (2013). The persuasive power of oral health promotion messages: A theory of planned behavior approach to dental checkups. Health Communication, 28(3), 304-313.
  • Noar, S. M., Crosby, R., Benac, C., Snow, G., & Troutman, A. (2011). Applying the attitude-social-influence-efficacy model to condom use among African-American STD clinic patients: Implications for tailored health communication. AIDS & Behavior, 15(5), 1045-1057.
  • Anderson, C. N., Harris, M. S., Kovarik, R., & Skelton, J. (2010). Discovering expectant mothers’ beliefs about oral health: An application of the CenteringPregnancySmiles™ program. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 30(2), 115-140.

Program Affiliations

  • Graduate Studies

Teaching Areas

  • Communication Research Methods (undergraduate & graduate)
  • Introduction to Health Communication
  • Popular Media & Health
  • Relationships & Health

Research Areas

  • Encouraging people to live healthier lives through powerful persuasive messages is the area of research about which Dr. Selby is most passionate.
  • Dr. Selby is a quantitative researcher with primary research interest in health communication, specifically focused on health campaigns, health messages in the media, and message design.