Headshot of Dr. Wenxue Zou

Wenxue Zou, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor - Communication, Media, & Culture

Phone: Email: wzou@coastal.edu BRTH 316 (Clay D. Brittain, Jr. Hall) Office Hours:

Fall 2024 TBA


Dr. Wenxue Zou completed her Ph.D. in 2023 from the Department of Communication and Journalism at Texas A&M University. Prior to that, she earned her BA and MA from the School of Journalism and Communication at Wuhan University, China. As a mixed-methods researcher, her work focuses on how health, diseases and crises are discussed on social media, how health influencers’ discourses affect public health knowledge and behaviors, and the role of digital media in boosting health promotion campaigns. Her research strives to empower underserved populations, aid social media influencers in crafting more effective messages, and provide insights for health policymakers. In recognition of her academic accomplishments in the field of communication, Wenxue Zou received the College of Arts and Sciences Award for Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Research from Texas A&M University. She has contributed research articles to esteemed peer-reviewed journals, including Public Understanding of Science, Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Women’s Studies in Communication, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, and Archives of Sexual Behaviors. In addition, she has a wealth of teaching experience, having instructed a range of courses such as Introduction to Social Media, Health Communication, Group Communication, Intro to Communication, and so on.


  • 2023-2024 Edwards College Distinguished Scholarship or Creative Endeavors


  • Zou, W., Zhang, N., & Huang, L. (2024). Support-seeking strategies, family communication
    patterns, and received support among Chinese women with postpartum depression: A content
    analysis of Zhihu posts. Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2024.2323837 
  • Zou, W., Tang, L., Zhou, M., & Zhang, X. (2024). Self-disclosure and received social support
    among women experiencing infertility on Reddit: A natural language processing approach.
    Computers in Human Behavior, 154, 108159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2024.108159
  • Liu, Z., & Zou, W. (2024). From spewing resentment to lingering grief: Metaphorical
    constructions of IUDs and spousal roles in contemporary China. Journal of Social and Personal
    Relationships, 41(1), 159-179. https://doi.org/10.1177/02654075231212203
  • Zou, W., & Liu, Z. (2024). Body politics, reproductive rights, and digital media advocacy within
    stigmatized contexts: A critical discourse analysis of Weibo discussions on IUDs in modern-day China, 52(1), 27-46. Journal of Applied Communication Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00909882.2023.2282514
  • Liu, Z., & Zou, W. (2024). Breaking taboos in women’s reproductive health: The communication strategies used by top OB/GYN influencers in Chinese social media. Health Communication, 39(4), 685-696. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2181677
  • Zou, W., & Liu, Z. (2024). Unraveling public conspiracy theories toward ChatGPT in China: A critical discourse analysis of Weibo posts. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 68(1), 1- 20. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2023.2275603
  • Zou, W., Li, J., Yang, Y., & Tang, L. (2023). Exploring the early adoption of Open AI among laypeople and technical professionals: An analysis of Twitter conversations on #ChatGPT and #GPT3. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2023.2295725 
  • Zou, W., Huang, L., & Yan, Y. (2023). “It slowly drained the life out of me, leaving me dead inside”: Coping and response patterns among Chinese women experiencing postpartum depression. Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2288382
  • Zhang, X., & Zou, W. (2023). Shattering the silence: Destigmatization narratives of online sexual health influencers. Sex Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2023.2272734
  • Huang, W., & Zou, W. (2023). “Them” in an abnormal world: Media construction and responsibility attribution of left-behind children in rural China. Children & Society, 37(6), 1880- 1896. https://doi.org/10.1111/chso.12729
  • Zou, W., Zhang, X., & He, J. (2023). Making sense of jiese: An interview study of members from a porn-free self-help forum in China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52(1), 385-397. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-022-02456-8
  • Meadows, C. Z., Tang, L., & Zou, W. (2022). Managing government legitimacy during the COVID19 pandemic in China: A semantic network analysis of state-run media Sina Weibo posts. Chinese Journal of Communication, 15(2), 156-181. https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2021.2016876
  • Zou, W., Tang, L., & Bie, B. (2022). The stigmatization of suicide: A study of stories told by college students in China. Death Studies, 46(9), 2035-2045. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2021.1958396
  • Zou, W., & Wallis, C. (2022). “Why do they want others to suffer the same pain they have endured?” Weibo debates about pain relief during childbirth in neo/non-liberal China. Women’s Studies in Communication, 45(2), 143-162. https://doi.org/10.1080/07491409.2021.1947925
  • Zou, W., & Tang, L. (2021). What do we believe in? Rumors and processing strategies during the COVID-19 outbreak in China. Public Understanding of Science, 30(2), 153-168. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963662520979459
  • Tang, X., Zou, W., Hu, Z., & Tang, L. (2021). The recreation of gender stereotypes in male crossdressing performances on Douyin. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 65(5), 660-678. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2021.1955888
  • Tang, L., Liu, W., Thomas, B., Tran, H. T. N., Zou, W., Zhang, X., & Zhi, D. (2021). Texas public agencies’ tweets and public engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: Natural language processing approach. JMIR Public Health & Surveillance, 7(4), e26720. https://doi.org/10.2196/26720
  • Tang, L., York, F., & Zou, W. (2021). Middle-aged and older African Americans’ information use during the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview study. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 709416. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.709416
  • Zou, W., Zhang, W. J., & Tang, L. (2021). What do social media influencers say about health? A theory-driven content analysis of top ten health influencers’ posts on Sina Weibo. Journal of Health Communication, 26(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2020.1865486
  • Tang, L., & Zou, W. (2021). Health information consumption under COVID-19 lockdown: An interview study of residents of Hubei Province, China. Health Communication, 36(1), 74-80. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2020.1847447
    • Included in the textbook Theories of Human Communication (12th edition)
  • Zou, W. (2021). How do patient-centered communication, emotional well-being, confidence in health information-seeking, and future time perspective influence health self-efficacy? American Journal of Health Education, 52(3), 137-144. https://doi.org/10.1080/19325037.2021.1902887