Christopher J Ferrero

Chris Ferrero (760x760) Added 8/28/18

Christopher J. Ferrero

Assistant Professor & Associate Chair, Intelligence & Security Studies

Phone: 843-349-2607 Email: Office Hours:



Christopher J. Ferrero received his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 2011, where he focused on the US-Iran relationship. He also holds a Master's Degree in Security Studies (Georgetown University, 2003). He worked as a weapons intelligence analyst for the US Departments of State and Defense from 2002-2006. His work bridges the academic-practitioner divide through the application of constructivist theory to real world problems. Nuclear norms and nuclear deterrence policies are his current focus. 


Ph.D., Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia (2011)
M.A., Security Studies, Georgetown University (2003)
B.A., Political Science, Villanova University (2001)

Interesting Facts

Dr. Ferrero has published on nuclear weapons and the Middle East in peer-reviewed journals The Nonproliferation Review and Comparative Strategy. He is a leading thinker on the role of religion in nuclear deterrence, proliferation, and disarmament. 

Teaching Areas

Weapons of Mass Destruction, Intelligence Operations, the Middle East, International Relations Theory

Research Areas

Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Middle East, constructivism, religion and international affairs, applied IR theory

Program Affiliations

USSTRATCOM Academic Alliance; Strategic Deterrent Coalition Board of Regents