Jonathan Smith

Jonathan Smith (760) Added August 30, 2018

Jonathan Smith

Professor/Director, Intelligence & Security Studies

Phone: 843-349-6573 Email: Office Hours:



Jon Smith joined the faculty of Coastal Carolina University in 2011. He teaches courses on intelligence, homeland security and national security strategy.

Smith holds a doctorate in political science and a master's degree in international studies from the University of South Carolina where he specialized in National Security Decision Making. He also completed the Joint Professional Military Education curriculum at the Naval War College in 2009.

Previously, Smith served as a Professor of Political Science at Presbyterian College where he spearheaded the creation of an International Studies major and the Teaching Excellence program.

In addition to his work in academia, Smith served in the U.S. Navy Reserve for 23 years as an intelligence officer. His last assignment was as the commanding officer for an intelligence unit that supports the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, Fla. He also deployed overseas in support of operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.