Melanie Giraud (760) Added August 30,2018

Mélanie Giraud

Lecturer, French

Phone: 843-349-2996 Email: Office Hours:



Originally from France, Mélanie Giraud arrived at CCU in August 2018 after having served as Visiting Assistant Professor of French at Goucher College and Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore, Maryland. She completed her doctorate, with a specialization in French Literature, in 2009 at the Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Giraud now works as a Lecturer of French & LIS, and French Section Coordinator at CCU. Prior to her arrival, she taught at Goucher College, Loyola University Maryland, the University of Central Arkansas, Rochambeau French International School, at Kenyon College, at Bucknell University, at Bryn Mawr College, at the Johns Hopkins University, at the Turun Yliopisto (Finland), and for the Franco-Hungarian Foundation for Youth (Hódmezõvásárhely, Hungary) as well as for the Institut d’Etudes Françaises d’Avignon under the auspices of Bryn Mawr College in Avignon, France. She has led study abroad programs in France (in Paris, Nantes, Vendée, Avignon, and Montpellier).

Dr. Giraud is interested in 19th-21st century French and Francophone Literatures and Second Language Acquisition. She has published essays on French and Francophone literature in Cambridge Scholars Publishing and in GSIT Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: SITES (CF&FS: SITES), among others. Most recently, she has presented her research at the CIÉF (Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones) International Convention, the Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, and the 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium. Finally, she loves to travel; she lived in 5 different countries (France, Finland, Belgium, Hungary, and the U.S.), and visited around 30 countries, among which Spain, Croatia, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia, Egypt, Brazil, Haiti, Japan, and South Korea.


(2009) Ph.D. in French Literature – Johns Hopkins University
(2005) Ancien Pensionnaire – École Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris)
(2002) M.A. in Francophone Literature – Bryn Mawr College
(1999) M.A. in Second Language Acquisition (F.L.E) – U.F.R. des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Nantes, France
(1998) B.A. in Modern Literature (Licence de Lettres Modernes) – U.F.R. des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Nantes, France

Teaching Areas 

19th-21st century French and Francophone Literatures; French language, literature, and culture; interdisciplinary courses; film studies; languages for the professions

Research Areas

19th-21st century French and Francophone Literatures, Post-colonial Studies, Worldwide Naturalism, Polars and Romans Noirs Francophones, Second Language Acquisition

Research Presentations

She has given around 40 research presentations, nationally and internationally, among which:

• “ Nord-Plage : Chronique de la résistance d’un quartier martiniquais”, 37th CIÉF International Convention (Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones) on Représentations et imaginaires de l’espace francophone, Hammamet, Tunisia, June 2023

• “De la transition à la transmission : Nantes ou le patrimoine vivant d’un ancien port négrier”, 32nd CIÉF International Convention (Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones) on Passage : médiation et transition, La Rochelle, France, June 2018

• “La Lionne : phénomène de mode éphémère ou précurseur d’une certaine modernité ”, 43rd Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium of the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, November 9-11, 2017

• “Les Adinkra dans la Reine Pokou de Véronique Tadjo ou quand la mythologie et ses symboles servent à la légitimation d’un régime postcolonial”, 30th CIÉF International Convention (Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones) on Autour de l’arbre à palabres, Saly Portudal & Dakar, Senegal, May 20-29, 2016

Selected Publications (peer reviewed)

  • “Du « bois d’ébène » au « livre de pierre » : Nantes ou le chemin méditatif des Anneaux de la mémoire.” Rémanences de l’esclavage dans les arts, les littératures et les musées (France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR), October 20, 2022, 261-273.
  • "Rhinocéros in Historical Context." Dramaturgical Essay. Department of Fine Arts & the McManus Theater, Loyola University Maryland, Spring 2015.
  • "La Prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France de Blaise Cendrars ou les sursauts de la mémoire." GSIT Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: SITES (CF&FS: SITES) 17.5 (December 2013) 493-501.
  •  "Les Rougon-Macquart by Emile Zola and Three Generations by Yom Sang-Seop: Two Families, Two Empires." New Approaches to Zola and Naturalism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (September 2013) 324-340.
  •  “Minotaure : d’une couverture dalinienne ou le kaléidoscope avant-gardiste” “Le médium,” Revue Proteus – Cahiers des théories de l’art, Numéro 1, December 2010, 36-44.
  •  “Les trafiqueurs de Lucio Mad et Nada de Manchette : Deux univers urbains labyrinthiques” Equinoxes, a graduate journal of French and Francophone studies, Numéro 5 : Les Villes Capitales, Spring / Summer 2005.
  •  “La réactualisation du mythe de Thésée au service d’une critique de la politique napoléonienne dans L’Œuvre de Zola” Histoire et Fiction dans les littératures modernes, Acts of the colloquium L’écriture de l’histoire (II), organized by the Faculté des Lettres of Cairo University and the Centre Français de Culture et de Coopération of Cairo under the auspices of the French Embassy (Paris : L’Harmattan, 2005) 75-84.
  •  “Germinal et La Bête humaine : fonction thématique et narrative du chiffre trois” - “Emile Zola e o naturalismo,” Cadernos Neolatinos, Departamento de Letras Neolatinas da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, IV, n° spécial, [s.p.], CD-ROM, April 2005.
  •  “Le parcours labyrinthique de L'Œuvre : la quête de Claude” Excavation, Volume XIX, Nos 1–2 (Edmonton AB : Priority Printing, LTD., November 2004) 55-75.

Previous Appointments 

  • June-July 2019: International Academy Teacher, Middlebury Interactive Language Summer Academy Customized Program in collaboration with IES Abroad (Institut d’Études Européennes), Nantes, France
  • 2016- 2018: Visiting Assistant Professor of French and Francophone studies, Goucher College
  • 2014-2017: Visiting Affiliate Assistant Professor in French, Loyola University Maryland
  • April-May 2016: French Teacher, French Academy, Baltimore (1 French course for 2-8 years old)
  • May-June 2015: Montpellier Summer Program On-Site Coordinator for Loyola University Maryland, in Montpellier, France (Supervision of the three-week immersion program)
  • Summer 2014: Assistant Directorship of the Institut & Professor: Cours avancé de conversation in Avignon for the Institut d’Études Françaises d'Avignon Summer Program under the auspices of Bryn Mawr College
  • 2011-2014: Lecturer I, University of Central Arkansas
  • May-June 2013 Secondary French Teacher (full time, five-weeks substitute teacher position), La Fondation du Lycée Français International de Washington (The Lycée Rochambeau)
  • Summer 2007-13: Assistant Directorship of the Institut & Professor: Cours avancé de langue française in Avignon for the Institut d’Études Françaises d'Avignon Summer Program under the auspices of Bryn Mawr College
  • 2010-2011: Visiting Assistant Professor, Kenyon College
  • 2009-2010: Visiting Assistant Professor, Bucknell University
  • 2008-2009: Visiting Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College
  • 2002-2008: Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University
  • 2003-2006: Language Instructor at JHU for The School of Professional Studies in Business and Education, Odyssey Non-Credit Liberal Arts Program for Adults
  • 2000-2002: French House Directorship at Bryn Mawr College
  • 2001-2002: Teaching Assistant for undergraduate courses at Bryn Mawr College:
  • 2001-2002: Program Assistant for the Institut d'Études Françaises d'Avignon under the auspices of Bryn Mawr College (Summer program)
  • Summer 2002: Teaching Assistant in French Phonetics (Atelier de Phonétique) in Avignon for the Institut d’Études Françaises d'Avignon under the auspices of Bryn Mawr College
  • 1999-2000: French Professor for the Franco-Hungarian Foundation for Youth: teaching in two elementary / middle schools, one high school and one technological high school. Hódmezõvásárhely, Hungary
  • Spring 1999: Internship at the University of the Turun Yliopisto, at two high schools and one elementary school, at the office of the newspaper The Turun Sanomat, and at the Music Conservatory of Turku/Ǻbo Finland

Interesting Facts

  • Forthcoming Conference: “ La « malédiction francophone » : écologie (dé)coloniale ou comment dépasser l’enfermement dans un Triangle de Karpman dévastateur”, International conference in honor of Professor Ambroise Kom, Politics of Criticism, Criticism of Politics on Being an Academic and an Intellectual in the Postcolony, Yaoundé, Cameroon, June 11-13, 2024
  • Maymester 2023 - Global Paris: Study Abroad Program in Paris Designer and Program Leader in collaboration with Dr. Whalen, for CCU students
  • 2014-18 - Photographer: Cover of Dr. Oana Panaïté’s book, “The Colonial Fortune in Contemporary Fiction in French.” (U.K.: Liverpool University Press, January 2018). Cover for the collection of theoretical essays, “Reading Communities: A Dialogical Approach to French and Francophone Literature” (Paris: Cambridge Scholars, 2016: <>). Photography also published by Dr. Yves Citton in his book “Pour une écologie de l’attention” (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, September 2014; and its January 2017 translation)
  • 2014-present - Service beyond Loyola Campus: Non-Profit Organization “Rendez-vous Haïti” Fundraising Helper and Tri-fold Designer, Loyola University Maryland.
  • Mar. 2015 - “Rendez-vous Haïti” Volunteer & Computer Literacy Teacher at the Foyer Notre-Dame de Lourdes, Haïti
  • 2011-2014 - World Language Club Faculty Advisor, University of Central Arkansas • Spring 2008 - Dean’s Teaching Fellowship awarded to teach “Le Roman noir francophone,” JHU • 2006-2008 - Center for Educational Resources (C.E.R.) Technology Fellowships, Johns Hopkins University
  • 2004-2005 - Student in Residence Fellowship, Pensionnaire Étranger de l’École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
  • 2002-2008 - Daniel Coit Gilman & Tuition Fellowships Recipient, Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures, Johns Hopkins University
  • 2000-2002 - Gould Fellowship Recipient - Bryn Mawr College, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, French Department, Bryn Mawr College
  • Spring 1999 - Bourse de mobilité of the Socrates program – Exchange Program & Internship between the U.F.R. of Lettres et Sciences Humaines of Nantes (France) and The Turun Yliopisto (Turku, Finland)