Associate Professor, Languages

Yun Sil Jeon

Associate Professor, Spanish

Phone: 843-349-6604 Email: Office Hours:



Dr. Jeon was born in South Korea but she moved to Argentina when she was eight years old.  She got her Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics in Madrid, Spain, and her dissertation was a Sociolinguistics study about the Korean community in Argentina. Since then she has kept on studying the Korean community in Argentina and she has broaden the field to the Korean community in Thailand where she has lived seven years working as Vice Director of Latin American Studies Center in Chulalongkorn University.  Another field of interest related with her doctoral dissertation is Spanish Grammar and the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language.


Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics and Theory of Literature, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2000

Interesting Facts

True to the spirit of globalization of this century her family has lived in New Zealand, Spain, Argentina, Thailand and US; she is Korean-Argentinean, her husband is Spanish and their daughter was born in Bangkok. The languages spoken in her family in a broad sense are Spanish, Korean, Catalan, French and English.  She consider traveling as way of life.

Teaching Areas

Spanish Linguistics, Sociolinguistics Studies, Spanish Grammar, Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language.

Research Areas

Spanish Linguistics, Sociolinguistics Studies, Spanish Grammar, Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language.