Alli Crandell

Allison Crandell (760)  Added 10/3/18

Alli Crandell

Director of The Athenaeum Press and Digital Initiatives

Phone: 843-349-2947 Email: Office Hours:

Hours: by appointment between 9am - 5pm, M-F



Master of Science, Science and Technology Studies (conc. in Social Science), Virginia Tech
Graduate Certificate, Web Design and Development, Univeristy of Denver


As a humanities-trained designer, Alli Crandell's digital practice focuses on creating hand-crafted digital publications and projects where form is informed by content. 

Alli started her career as a humanist among computer scientists and engineers thinking about what "place," "space" and "history" meant in digital projects. Before coming to Coastal, Alli worked on projects that translated between disciplines and between form and function: an instructor of engineering history to engineers, a digital consultant for grant projects, and, custom digital publication designer for punctum books.

Alli serves as the Director of The Athenaeum Press, the Coastal's innovative multimedia publishing lab, where she works with students across the university to create regionally-specific and professional-level publications. She also served as the interim director of The Joyner Institute for Gullah and African Diaspora Studies from 2021-22. She is the primary facilitator of a wide range of digital infrastructure and media production projects for the Edwards College. She currently serves as project manager for the National Park Service Civil Rights grant to rehabilitate the school house on Sandy Island and is co-principal investigator on the Gullah Geechee Digital Project, funded by the National Archives.