Bruce Maggi

Bruce Maggi Fall 2023 (Added 10/3/23) MCD

Bruce Maggi

Teaching Associate

Phone: 843-349-2700 Email: Office Hours:



Dr. Maggi is a self professed geek about art history. His educational mindset has primarily involved Native American art history and its effects on Modern Art. One of Maggi’s goals is to introduce students to visual arts beyond that of tradition European influence.


Ph.D., Union Institute & University 2020

Interesting Facts

Former Forensic Artist for the City of Myrtle Beach.

Teaching Areas

ARTH 105, 106, and 107, ARTH 499 Art of the Native Americans. VPA courses in: How and why we make art, Protest in Art, and Native American Cultures.

Research Areas

Native American Indigenous Studies, Modern Art.