Easton Selby

Visual Art

Easton Selby

Associate Dean and Professor of Visual Arts

Phone: 843-349-6474 Email: eselby@coastal.edu Office Hours:

Hours: By Appointment



Talbot Easton Selby is a photographer whose roots began in Mississippi. Selby received his B.F.A. from Delta State University in 2003 and his M.F.A. from Clemson University in 2006. He has exhibited his photographs in group and solo shows throughout the United States, and his work is in several permanent and private collections. Selby’s work has been published in Delta Magazine, Metropolis Magazine, and Canadian Art Magazine. He is also the 2008 recipient of the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters award for photography. Currently Selby resides in Conway, S.C., where he is an associate dean and professor of visual arts at Coastal Carolina University.


Master of Fine Arts; Clemson University
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Photography; Delta State University

Interesting Facts

Easton Selby has never fought an alligator in the swamp. Winner of the 2008 Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters award for Photography. 

Teaching Areas


Research Areas

The history of the Chinese in the Mississippi Delta–as told through food. Blues Music. Hoodoo, Voodoo, Conjure and Witchcraft.

For more information, visit www.talboteastonselby.com