Zhioxiong Shen

Zhioxiong Shen image

Zhixiong Shen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Marine Science/Associate Chair, Graduate Programs

Phone: 843-349-6593 Email: zshen@coastal.edu Office Hours:

Office hours: by appointment



Ph.D., University of Liverpool (UK), Geography
B.S., Peking University (China), Geography

Zhixiong Shen's vita

Research and Teaching Interests

Zhioxiong Shen's research focuses on the formation and changes in lowland coastal areas, including floodplains, deltas, sandy and muddy coasts, and the geomorphic and stratigraphic response of these landforms to tectonic, climate and sea-level changes, anthropogenic pressure, extreme events such as tropical cyclones and flooding. He is also interested in deciphering coastal sedimentary records for building a chronology of these changes and extreme events. He has ongoing research on the U.S. Atlantic coast, the Mississippi River, and the Delta, Botswana, and China. 

Areas of Expertise

  • Coastal geology
  • Natural hazards
  • Geochronology
  • Luminescence dating
  • 14C dating

Recent Publications

Mauz, B., Shen, Z., Alsuwaidi, M., Mellini, D., Spada, G., and Purkis, S. J., 2022, The mid-Holocene sea-level change in the Arabian Gulf: The Holocene, p. 09596836221114291.

Shen, Z., Rosenheim, B. E., Törnqvist, T. E., and Lang, A., 2021, Engineered Continental-Scale Rivers Can Drive Changes in the Carbon Cycle: AGU Advances, v. 2, no. 1, p. e2020AV000273.

Shen, Z., Conway, N., and Hanebuth, T. J. J., 2021, A novel binary pipette splitting sediment subsampling method for improving reproducibility in laser-diffraction particle-size analysis: MethodsX, v. 8, p. 101493.

Shen, Z., Aeschliman, M., and Conway, N., 2021, Paleodischarge reconstruction using oxbow lake sediments complicated by shifting hydrological connectivity: Quat. Int., v. 604, p. 75-81.

Chamberlain, E. L., Shen, Z., Kim, W., McKinley, S., Anderson, S., and Törnqvist, T. E., 2021, Does Load-Induced Shallow Subsidence Inhibit Delta Growth?: J. Geophys. Res. Earth, v. 126, no. 11, p. e2021JF006153.

Munoz, S. E., Giosan, L., Therrell, M. D., Remo, J. W. F., Shen, Z., Sullivan, R. M., Wiman, C., O’Donnell, M., and Donnelly, J. P., 2018, Climatic control of Mississippi River flood hazard amplified by river engineering: Nature, v. 556, p. 95-98.

Chamberlain, E. L., Törnqvist, T. E., Shen, Z., Mauz, B., and Wallinga, J., 2018, Anatomy of Mississippi Delta growth and its implications for coastal restoration: Sci. Adv., v. 4, p. eaar4740.

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