Graduate Council

The Graduate Council considers any academic matters related to graduate education at Coastal Carolina University.

Dr. Wes E. Fondren
Associate Dean
College of Graduate and Continuing Studies



Specific areas of consideration for the Graduate Council include new degree program proposals and new graduate courses; changes in degree programs or courses; new and existing policies, procedures, and assessment related to graduate study. Actions taken by the council related to these matters are forwarded to the Faculty Senate for consideration.

Graduate Council Membership

The Graduate Council comprises eight elected faculty members (two elected from each college) with voting powers. The elected members serve for three-year terms. Non-voting members of the Graduate Council include one representative from Kimbel Library and one from Faculty Senate, and graduate program coordinators/directors. The Associate Dean of the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies (who serves as chair of the council) and the registrar both serve as ex officio members. 

2023-2024 Roster

College of Business

Sourav Batabyal (3)
Leann Mischel (1)

College of Education and Social Sciences

Hsing-wen Hu (2)
Anthony Seeari (1)

College of Health and Human Performance

Kelly Ellitot (2)
Timothy Rotarius (3)

College of Humanities and Fine Arts

Elizabeth Baltes (1)
Nils Rauhut (3)

College of Science

Roi Gurka (2) (Derek Crane SP'24)
Erin Hackett (1) (Zhixiong Shen SP'24)

HTC Honors College

Vacant (3)
Vacant (1)

Kimbel Library

Eric Resnis (1)

Ex Officio

Associate Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education - Wes Fondren*
Provost Office - Teresa Burns
University Registrar - Stacy Wyeth

*Chair of the committee
The number after committee member's name reflects the remaining years in term.