High School Students

For High School Students

As a current high school student there are a number of things you can do now to prepare for participation in the Degree in Three program at Coastal Carolina University. It is important to understand that all program participants are required to complete the same number of credits as all other students graduating from CCU, and that all post-high school collegiate credits must be earned at Coastal Carolina University. For this reason it is highly advantageous for program participants to enter college with as many credits as possible. College credit can be earned while still in high school through a variety of methods including:

Advanced Placement (AP) exams

AP classes are offered at a great many high schools across the country and many are also offered online. Students taking AP classes can sit for an AP exam. A satisfactory score on this AP exam will result in college credit for the associated subject area. Speak with your high school counselor regarding what specific courses are available at your school. You can also find more information regarding Advanced Placement classes and exams at https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home.

International Baccalaureate (IB) exams

The International Baccalaureate is a non-profit educational foundation whose programs can be found in over 1,400 schools across the country. Students participating in the IB program can take examinations, with a satisfactory score resulting in college credit for the associated subject area. Speak with your high school counselor regarding the availability of the IB program at your school. You can also find more information regarding the International Baccalaureate program at http://www.ibo.org/.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of exams that cover 33 subject areas. These exams allow a student to demonstrate mastery of a particular subject area. A satisfactory score on a CLEP exam will result in college credit for the associated subject area. CLEP exams can prove to be a cost-effective mechanism for students who took rigorous coursework to earn college credit. Speak with your high school counselor as to whether or not a CLEP exam is right for you. You can also find more information regarding CLEP exams at http://clep.collegeboard.org/.

Dual enrollment at an area college

Many colleges across the country have arrangements with their local school district whereby high school students can take college courses and earn both high school and college credit. This credit can come either through a structured program at your high school or through arrangement at the individual student level. Speak with your high school counselor as to what options are available to you at your specific high school.

Important tips for high school students

When preparing for the Degree in Three program while still in high school:

  • Be sure to take a challenging and balanced course load. Even if one subject area interests you more than another it is important to strive to take more than the minimum in all areas.
  • When given the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school take the time to investigate how that course might fit into a college curriculum. Speak with either your high school counselor or one of our Degree in Three program coordinators to determine how that course would fit into the larger picture.
  • Take the time to learn effective study habits and time management skills. Seek out those teachers who expect the most from you, they will help you build the skills necessary to succeed in college.