Scholarship Renewal FAQs

Scholarship Renewal Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I know if I've met the renewal requirements?

Answer: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are satisfying the renewal requirements for each scholarship each year. After grades are finalized each spring term, the Scholarship Office will conduct an automatic review for each award to determine if the student has satisfied the renewal requirements for their scholarship. When the review is complete the student will be sent a letter notifying them of their current eligibility status, confirming whether they’ve met the renewal requirements, or have not met the renewal requirements and need to enroll in summer courses to try to maintain their eligibility for the upcoming year. A final review will be conducted after all summer grades have been posted, to determine if the student has satisfied the renewal requirements for each scholarship. A student will be notified only if their eligibility status has changed.

If I have a 2.99 GPA and needed a 3.0 will I be able to keep my scholarship?

Answer: In certain instances, probationary periods will be automatically granted to students who are extremely close to meeting the requirements. However, for all SC State Lottery Scholarships, NO EXCEPETIONS ARE MADE!! A 2.99 LIFE GPA will not satisfy the 3.0 LIFE GPA requirement needed to renew the SC LIFE Scholarship.

Students are highly encouraged to monitor their Webadvisor and read all letters sent to them from the Scholarship Office following the spring term to determine if they have met the renewal requirements for their award. It is never safe to assume!

Am I able to take summer courses to meet the renewal criteria?

Answer: Yes, any student who has not satisfied the renewal criteria after the spring term is encouraged to enroll in summer courses to help meet the requirements. Courses may be taken at any eligible institution over the summer; however, courses need to be taken at CCU if a student needs to increase their CCU GPA.

How do repeat courses affect my Scholarship renewal eligibility?

Answer: Please review our Repeat Forgiveness and Scholarships webpage for further details.

If I lost my merit-based scholarship last year because I did not meet the renewal requirements, is there any way I can get it back if I do well in the future?

Answer: A recipient who loses eligibility or does not regain eligibility after attending the summer term(s) for their merit-based scholarship will not be able to regain award eligibility in future years.

What if I encountered an extenuating circumstance that prevented me from meeting the renewal requirements?

Answer: In certain instances students will have the opportunity to appeal. Each scholarship has different processes/requirements for appeal. Students are encouraged to contact Financial Aid and Scholarships to help determine what options they might have.